Will the last image of you be on a CCTV camera?

Will the last image of you be on a CCTV camera?

I sometimes write here about totally vicious crimes against White people by the other races, mostly because I get justifiably irate about the crime. But it’s not only the individual crimes that gets to me, but the way the media works to keep us White people in the dark to the whole issue. They don’t want you to hear about it, wanting you to think that all the other races are just like you and me. Right.

The real powers that be don’t want us Whites to get angry, with the resultant groundswell of White public opinion that will surely lead to the realization of what they have been doing all along to the White countries of the West. In short, they would just assume us to remain asleep while they continue with their agenda.

It seems that every week we see some new horrible crime where one only needs to reverse the race of the victim, or even more illuminating, just change the perp to White. Then, we would see the crime in the mainstream media 24/7. Think about it! Read on.

Trisha Babcock

Trisha Babcock

The beautiful 24 year-old Flint, Michigan women, Trisha Babcock (right), was sitting in her car in Detroit (not the place for Whites to be anymore), minding her own business when a 6′ 2,” 12 year-old Negro boy came up to her out of the blue and fired a round into her chest — killing her.

She probably never knew what happened. The skinny black stranger was yapping away some kind of street gibberish and pointing something at her that went pop. She may not even have heard the shot as she felt something odd punch her in the chest. Feeling a hot liquid running under her clothes, she was seized with utter fear as she realized it was her very own blood and had just been shot with a real gun. An icy cold welled-up deep within her, she sensed a clock running down and could hear people shouting something nearby. Her vision grew black with stars right before she lost final consciousness and her life.

As usual, the media portrayed it simply as another ”attempted robbery,” as if that makes it so understandable. Never any other reason, except maybe being poor. But we don’t know that: The murderous young Negro may have just up and decided to put a cap into a Whitey and Trisha just happened to be nearby. It may even have been a Gang initiation.

Now, no one will ever see and talk to her again. She’s dead and gone forever.

The woman was well-loved by her family and friends. Her father: “She had her whole life ahead of her, you know. She never had the chance to meet her soul mate … I never had a chance to hold a grand baby,” Steve Babcock said. “We’ve lost so many things.”

Watch this heart-breaking video on Trisha.

Detroit is long gone. Once considered one of the most beautiful American cities, now it’s literally a Third World hell-hole, run by corrupt and idiotic Blacks, as the streets and neighborhoods often look like African war zones. Parts of Detroit are even reverting back to the wilderness, just like on that History Channel show, “Life Without People.” Take the time to go to the Detroit is Crap blogspot to see just how bad it’s become.


And they had such bright futures…

Or how about this recent story: Three black football players were recently arrested for gang rape in Finland, of all places. The details are sketchy, but we can reasonably assume it was a local Finnish girl, most of whom would be very White. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the US media to report anything on it, unlike the way they reported the White girl on trial for murder in Italy (the actual killer was an African to boot!).

This reminds one of those completely phony charges against the Duke Lacrosse players a few years ago, where the media went haywire since the “victim” was a Negro woman and covered the hoax non-stop. Yet, the Finnish crime will never see the least mention in the mainstream media, just like the case where 4 Black Oklahoma Football players raped a 12 year old White girl and one of them even got a scholarship after being charged. Or the University of Minnesota Football players, led by Dominic Jones, who gang-raped a passed-out White girl and video-taped it on their cellphones.


Channon and Christopher were both tortured and sodomized repeatedly in front of each other and violently murdered.

In the last week or so, the trial for another one of the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom Torturers has been going on in Knoxville, Tennessee. In case you haven’t heard anything about this crime (you would not unless you saw it on the Internet) go HERE for the background.

One new detail to emerge: Letalvis “Rome” Cobbins actually left the house of horrors to go get Viagra, so he could continue his raping of the poor White woman, Channon. While still alive and conscious, they wiped down her privates with caustic bleach and poured it down her throat to eliminate DNA evidence (guess from where), before strangling and putting her in a trashcan to later die. Can you believe all this?

In this latest trial, the majority of jurors selected were Black, even though Knoxville is over-all 16% Negro. People are now paying close attention to see if this Letalvis gets his well-deserved punishment (he should have hung by now), even though Black Jurors often spit in the face of White people like at the trial of OJ Simpson, or when Lauretta Codlington refused to convict a fellow Black, Orange Taylor, of the strangulation of University of Michigan coed Laura Dickenson, after incontrovertible evidence Taylor did it.


Christina Long's aunt holds up her photo.

Silentconsort, at her blog The Spoils of War is covering the trial in detail and I suggest everyone go and read what she has to say. She sure as hell doesn’t pull any punches.

How about the sad story of the 13 year old White girl, Christina Long? Lured from her Connecticut home by flattery over the Internet from an illegal alien from Brazil; he then rapes the girl in his car in a mall parking lot and strangles her to death. The dead little girl was later dumped face-up in a secluded creek on his way back home to New York.

Upwards of 80% of all violent crimes in America have long been at the hands of Blacks and Hispanics, mostly illegal Mestizos up from Mexico, Central and South America. It’s getting worse and worse by the day, regardless of Obama being elected and all our fine social efforts.

British Whites have the exact same problems as America, compounded by Muslim immigrants. Did you know that Islamic Sharia courts have been allowed to operate freely? They often are even allowed to supersede British law! British Whites have been criminally victimized not only by Blacks, but also gangs of street Muslims from Pakistan and elsewhere in the Mideast and Africa. What happens to Britain, always comes here.

White countries are now being turned into Third World Hells, much like some futuristic, Orwellian nightmare.

America used to be a fine country — a great place to live and raise a family — but no longer. Our major cities have been taken over by Negroes always voting for “people of color,” and yet they still cry “racism” at the drop of a hat. They’ve been given boat-loads of special interest, affirmative action and media attention and what do we get? Murderous violence, almost always blamed on White people for “oppressing” them.

Never do these people accept any blame.


It might not be you, but a dear loved one who gets brutally murdered just for being White and “at the wrong place at the wrong time.”

What is the common denominator here? Sure, Blacks are violent and prone to crime, etc. etc., but they’ve been turned into monsters far worse then what would be “normal,” even for them.

It’s the Jew who has done this to America and ALL White countries today. Jew social manipulations (“PC”) and the media brainwashing of White people has kept us shut-up and frightened of being called “racist” for virtually anything we might say. We’ve been turned into a race of cowed sheep, just so the Jew can feel comfortable that we won’t go all “Nazi” on them. They’ll continue with the Jew line until America is turned completely into a Third World hell-hole, just like Brazil is today and where Jews live richly in protected enclaves.

The Jews did the same thing to South Africa, too. White-hating, Marxist Negroes now rule the roost, while Jews fill the occasional management positions, so that the casual observer (i.e. not Jew-wise) may think they are merely Whites sharing in the power structure. Regular Whites are often horribly victimized by roving Negro gangs in their own homes and farms, but you never hear one word about any of it in the media, the same way they do with whats now going on in America.

As far as Big Jewry is concerned, all of us are “Niggers” to them anyways and they could care less. If they could breed us Whites away into a some dumb-downed mud race, so much the better.

All of this stems from the Jew’s religious beliefs that they will one day soon rule the World. White people who will not willingly go along with their plans have to be sidelined in such a fashion that rest won’t notice before it’s too late. According to the Jewish religious book called the Zohar, the Black man is supposed to be a slave to the non-Jewish Whites and Asians, while us Whites serve the Chosen Ones. With race-mixing, the more coloreds they make, the more slaves.

You think immigration of non-Whites is because they are so concerned with people trying to find better lives for themselves? You must be joking. Open immigration kills two birds with one stone for these people: Cheap labor and the gradual marginalization of White racial demographics.

With the eventual institution of Jewish Noahide laws, all of us will be turned into mere slaves of the Jewish State (we already are, in a way, with the Federal Reserve). We’ll have absolutely no Constitutional Freedoms, no freedom of religious worship, nor even the least time off from work. It’ll be the worse dictatorship imaginable.

Little Jewry, like that nice Jewish dentist down the street, have been going along with all this, simply because they’ve been so propagandized by the holocaust business that they fear Whites organizing in any fashion. To them, any racially-awakened Whites could easily become goose-stepping Brown Shirts, who will one day form Nazi parties and reenact Kristallnacht. That’s why he’s always at the forefront of political efforts to attack all pro-White groups, why he’s for immigration of non-Whites and getting Blacks all worked up about evil Whitey, etc. etc.

Liberal Whites have sucked all the Jew egalitarianism and can’t bring themselves to call a spade a spade, often even when they have been victimized themselves. They can’t see that Blacks are caught up in a endless loop of violence and foolishly fuel all this by going along with all the White “racism” and economic “oppression” excuses. Instead of showing solidarity with other Whites, they reserve their ire for Whites who dare speak up.

And please don’t think Gun Control is the answer. Negroes will use anything to commit crime and besides, criminals will get guns, one way or another. Look at Britain and Australia. After making it illegal for gun ownership, almost all foolish Whites turned in their weapons and then crime rates shot way up. Let’s be real here, unarmed Whites make for easier targets to rob, rape and kill. That’s the “law of the Jungle” in action, regardless of any high-minded, egalitarian wishes.

In addition to which, if and when Whites are disarmed, the government will have greater power over us and no longer will they fear us banding together to violently throw them out (as they deserve). This is the main reason for our Founding Fathers to have included the right to bear arms in the Constitution.

White Americans do not deserve what we are now seeing done to our country. If you are a White person reading this, I implore you to reevaluate your stance and join with other racially-awakened Whites and start speaking out forcefully to all you know. I realize this will be hard at first, but it will get easier soon enough.

As other Whites realize that it’s safe to speak openly, they’ll look on you as a leader and shining example that it’s OK to voice what they have always thought anyways, but were too scared to. You will immediately be a hero to many. Those who attack you are nothing but traitors and make sure you tell them so in no uncertain words.

Liberal Whites are mostly spineless individuals who bend whichever way the wind blows. Once they realize the Jig is up, they’ll reinvent themselves miraculously overnight. Or hide in their closets among their Birkenstocks.

Also, start arming yourselves and form small cliques. Know who your friends are and have them do the same. We may soon be faced with having to openly rebel against the traitorous Zionist Jew-owned US government. Don’t let this dissuade you; they are actually quite weak because they base their whole power structure around lies and smoke. Once the police and military realize what they are being used for, they’ll desert in droves.

That’s why you can see the Zionists and Shabbos Goys (Whites corrupted by them) now following a careful, stealthy line, as they institute new Hate crime legislation, censorship and gun control laws, all unreported by the mainstream media. The more we give up, the more of our rights will sure to follow. If they have your name registered as owning a semi-auto gun, they’ll come looking for you once they decide to confiscate all of them.

Make hay while the sun shines. We are now rapidly approaching the End Game and it may only be a matter of months — perhaps even weeks — with all this business about the economy, Iran and very possibly another Zionist false-flag ops.

The more Whites you awaken now, the easier it will be to put a stop to these evil people later. And trust me, we will. Once Whites get it, we always come out swinging — hard. They know this about us and it’s this fear that nags at them.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Good luck.

— Phillip Marlowe