Did Annie Leibowitz rip-off a famous WWI propaganda poster for her interracial propaganda cover shot? The WWI recruitment poster is believed to have been the inspiration for the movie King Kong. Blacks might be all torqued-up over the simian similarities but read up on what David Duke has to say about the real deal for White, European people in today’s media [INCOG].

By David Duke

New Information: After I posted this article, a reader pointed out me some important new information on the origin of this disgusting cover of Vogue. The photo of Gisele Bündchen and Lebron James was done by the Jewish supremacist (for a time she even went to live on an Israeli Kibbutz) and long-time White hater, Annie Liebowitz! Liebowitz was the lesbian lover of fellow Jewish supremacist, the late Susan Sontag (real name Susan Rosenblatt). Sontag was the most well-known, undisguised hater of White people in the world.

Sontag wrote that “Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history.” –Partisan Review, Winter 1967, p. 57.

Sontag, had no problem referring to the White race as the cancer of history because Jewish radicals like her see don’t see themselves as White, but as a distinct people superior to all of humanity. For these Jewish supremacists, there are only two kinds of humanity, the Jewish “Chosen,” and all the rest of the world’s people who are collectively defined as Gentiles or “Goys.”

The depth of her abject hatred of European mankind and civilization can also be seen in her “apology” for the remark. Sontag didn’t apologize for saying her “cancer” remark was hateful and vicious against White people, she apologized for it being insensitive to cancer victims! In perhaps a cosmic apportionment of justice, Sontag herself became cancerous in a literal sense and died in 2004.

Wikipedia says the Vogue cover’s photographer, Annie Liebowitz, has a style “marked by a close collaboration between the photographer and the subject,” so it’s probable to assume she directed James & Bündchen’s poses as an “in your face” affront to White males and a clear lesson for White women (who are not lesbians as she is) to let themselves be taken by Black men. As the article shows, this vicious anti-White photograph on the cover of the world’s leading fashion magazine, one owned and controlled completely by Jewish supremacists, is part of hateful pattern against White people seen throughout the Jewish-dominated news and entertainment media.

Dr. David Duke


Vogue magazine is the premier publication of American fashion and is considered by most people in the fashion industry as the standard for the whole European World. The Problem for us is that Vogue is not owned by Europeans or those who identify with European heritage as such. It is owned by extremist Jews who consider themselves as a people that did not come from Europe and see themselves in conflict and competition with the European people. The S.I. Newhouse family owns Vogue as part of its magazine, newspaper and broadcasting empire. It is one of the largest media empires in the United States and across the world. A quick survey of Jewish mainstream literature reveals its deep antipathy for the European people. Whether one delves in the Jewish Encyclopedia or simply dabbles in the deluge of Holocaust material churned out by the many media outlets of the Newhouse empire, one finds that Jewish resentment against Gentiles is ubiquitous, intense and deep-seated.

Jewish supremacists Samuel Newhouse, Jr., Vogue cover photog Annie Leibowitz, former lesbian lover to Susan Sontag (Rosenblatt) – the Jewish writer who once described the white race as “the cancer of human history.”

There seem to be an inexhaustible supply of articles, movies, documentaries, books, plays, remembrances and other vehicles that chronicle historical Gentile anti-Semitism. In recent decades many Jewish writers and Jewish-owned publishing houses have gone out of their way to blame the Holocaust not simply on German National Socialists but on all Europeans, and they even go so far as to blame the American people for not doing enough to “prevent” the Holocaust. Thousands of other Jewish books and articles blame the Holocaust on collective, inherent European evil or even on Christianity because the Gospels have numerous “anti-Semitic” passages. Millions of Jews are raised with a chronic recital of Gentile evil and anti-Semitism. Of course, the media never exposes the viciously racist, anti-Gentile character of the Jewish supremacist Talmud.

In his article for The Jewish Quarterly, Prof. Nathan Abrams boasts how Jews have been the driving force behind the mainstreaming of hardcore pornography in America, and he quotes porn moguls boasting of their “atavistic hatred” of Gentiles as a motivation in promoting what they themselves recognize as defilement and degradation of Gentiles. If anti-Gentilism can motivate Jews to promote Gentile defilement with hardcore pornography, one does not have to look far to spot other forms of Jewish revenge against the White Christians. In much Jewish literature, there is both fear, fascination and even jealousy of the fair European aesthetic. One can point for example to Phillip Roth’s book detailing strange combination of Jewish self-loathing combined with a malevolent misanthropy directed against European men and women, Portnoy’s Complaint.

Gisele Bündchen with real life boyfriend, NFL Quarterback Tom Brady.

Gisele Bündchen with real life boyfriend, NFL Quarterback Tom Brady.

The cover of Newhouse’s Vogue April 2008 is simply a expression of Jewish latent hostility to our people. Basketball star Lebron James is shown clutching the blond, Brazilian (actually German) supermodel Gisele Bündchen in a pose that appears he is shouting in victory. It is a not so subtle image that he has command over the most beautiful White woman in the world. And, of course, the supermodel is posed to appear that she really enjoys being in his clutches. The cover is a clear message from the top fashion magazine in the world, one read by millions of White women, that having a Black sex partner is the most fashionable, coolest thing there is. It is also a direct affront to every White man, with the depiction of a Black male shouting his capture of the White woman on the cover of the world’s leading magazine for women.

For 37,460 White women raped or sexually abused by Black males in 2005 (U.S. Justice Dept. Data), the picture represents not a Jewish magazines dream of fashion but a reminder of terrible brutalization and defilement. (For those who still don’t know it, the same Justice Dept. Data shows less than 10 Black women raped by White men in 2005)

Ironically, because of the truly animalistic appearance of Lebron next to an aesthetic, angel-like Gisele, some leftists complained that the cover was reminiscent of the old King Kong Movie posters. Not really, for White women never had to worry about being raped by a fictional King Kong, but in modern America they must be concerned about Black rape, for it is an ever present danger in our sick society.

davidduke.jpgJust like movies such as Stanley Kramer’s Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, and Rick Rosenthal’s new film, Greta, (both promoting White women with Blacks and both produced by Jewish activists) Vogue and a thousand other Jewish publications are incessantly working for the intermarriage and dissolution of our people. All this is at the same time that every major Jewish organization around the world has programs to prevent Jewish intermarriage with Gentiles. And while Jewish extremists promote race-mixing for Blacks and Whites, Israel does not even allow a legal marriage between a Jew and and a non-Jew.

–- David Duke

Rep. David Duke, P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, Louisiana
Call to order books: (985) 626-7714
DavidDuke.com European American Unity & Rights Organization (EURO)

Read more of David Duke’s thoughts about the Jewish supremacist’s anti-White attacks in the media and efforts to promote interracial sex for White people here: The Defilement and Death of a White Girl