Spoiled Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi (left) toasting the freaky-looking Zionist, Knesset speaker Dalia Itzik, during an official dinner in 2007 at Israel’s Parliament in Jerusalem. Pelosi is a total “Shabbos Goy,” or quite possibly even a lousy Jew herself! [INCOG]  

Concerned about America’s economy? Well, read this one on Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House (Congress). Seems that this modern-day Queen Esther has been making the US Military fly around her so-special progeny, even when her precious Highness was not a part of the party!  

Alexandra Pelosi is listed here (misspelled).


That’s right. Judicial Watch and Doug Ross discovered that military planes have been used to ferry this woman’s family, even when no members of our so-called representative government were even onboard. That’s like $18,000 dollars an hour taxpayer expense versus the spoiled brats climbing aboard a commercial flight! Read more here.  

FOIA requests uncovered thousands of pages of travel docs, like the one above right (go to link for more). Note that yenta-daughter Alexandra Pelosi is listed here. She’s the Elitist HBO documentary filmmaker who has made a nepotistic career going around the country smearing Christians and the little people of America, those that make it even possible for Israel to exist! UN-FRIGGIN-BELIEVABLE! Had enough of these arrogant people yet?  

Only recently was it uncovered that Pelosi’s own little travel junkets cost us over $100,000, just in food and drink served. As TV reporter John Stossel would say: It’s your money! But Stossel won’t report on this or anything about the orthodox Jew’s Kosher scam Racket — since he’s a big fat Jew himself, of course. Read on for more info on Nancy Pelosi from reformed Jew and orthodox Christian, Brother Kapner. 


Pelosi and one of her real masters, Ehud Barak, pointed out by Christopher Bollyn as a member of the troika most responsible for the greatest and most evil false-flag in history — 9/11. [INCOG]  

Pelosi and Her Zionist Jew Enablers

By Brother Nathan Kapner  


The "concerned" Rabbi Saperstein


“RABBIS AND JEWISH CONGRESSMEN all thronged to Pelosi’s first celebratory event in DC to congratulate the Congresswoman in her role as the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House,” wrote the Washington Jewish Week in January of 2007. “Nancy is our Queen Esther of modern times,” exclaimed Jewish Congressman Robert Rush, as a myriad of Jews, (along with Rabbi David Saperstein who gave the keynote address and joined Pelosi on the podium with her six grandchildren, two of whom are Jewish), basked in their Jew-bought politician, Nancy Patricia Pelosi, during the reception.  

Designated in Newsweek’s 2009 list as the most influential rabbi in America and described in a Washington Post profile as “the quintessential religious lobbyist on Capitol Hill,” Rabbi Saperstein represents the national Reform Jewish Movement to Congress. And conversely, Pelosi represents the all-pervasive Jewish movement around which the nation revolves.  


Rabbi Saperstein protesting about Darfur and getting busted outside the Sudanese Embassy (bottom right) in a made-for-TV moment — he most certainly didn’t suffer any time in jail. Funny how this major league Jew hypocrite kept silent about Israel deporting thousands of Darfur refugees who illegally crossed over the border from Egypt into Israel (left). The phony little Jew rat is also well-noted for not breathing a single word about Israel’s war crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza. Hypocrites! [INCOG]  

The scope, depth and centralized structure of Jewish influence in the political life of America far exceeds anything which can be conceived as a “lobby.” Nancy Pelosi is a prime illustration of the breadth of Jewish influence-peddling in America.  

The measure of Jewish power must take into account both direct and indirect Jewish influence on national and local levels through which the networks of Jewish influence operate. Jewish power is exercised directly on political decision makers and abetted by the Jewish-occupied mainstream media.  

Jewish influence is exercised indirectly through censure of any utterance by Gentiles that employs the word “Jew” in a critical manner. Jews own not only the political and cultural life of America but the minds and tongues of the downtrodden White Christian majority.  

A KEY COMPONENT of Pelosi’s rise to power is rooted with the old-money California Jewish political machinery with networks all over the San Francisco Bay Area, especially the “new Jew-money” of Silicon Valley.  

Unlike publicity hungry Jews elsewhere, old money San Francisco Jews tend to stay out of the national limelight, preferring to flaunt their wealth only among each other usually at some private enclave. One of these private enclaves is Nancy Pelosi’s own multimillion-dollar home in the Pacific Heights neighborhood in San Francisco at which she hosted her Jewish enablers in August of 2009.  


Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz


Among the Zionist Jewish guests, that is, the Jewish manipulators of US Congress, with whom Pelosi was “schmoozing with the wealthy and well-connected,” were the Jews, David Axelrod, Obama’s special adviser, Mark Zandi, an economic adviser to Obama, and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida.  

The Jewish millionaire ‘locals’ in attendance included Elizabeth Fisher, heiress of The Gap fortunes; Marc Stanley, Chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Council, Amy Friedkin, President of AIPAC from 2002 until 2004; Rabbi Doug Kahn, Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of San Francisco who advised Pelosi to repudiate Carter’s book, “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid;” and Eugene Eidenberg, a former Carter staffer. Pelosi’s husband is a large stockholder in Eidenberg’s investment firm, Granite Ventures.  

In other words, Jews donate to Pelosi and Pelosi returns the favor by legislating for Jewish interests. Pelosi was the key sponsor of HR 34, a Pelosi-led declaration passed on January 9, 2009 which recognized and applauded the Jewish slaughter of Gaza civilians.  

Pelosi is a personal friend of Naomi Lauter, the national community consultant for AIPAC. “We were neighbors in Presidio Terrace in 1970,” remembers Naomi Lauter. “The Pelosis would come to our house for Passover.” Lauter fondly recalls Pelosi serving on the committee to build San Francisco’s Holocaust Memorial.  


“Nancy Pelosi is deeply connected to the Jewish community,” says Sam Lauter, son of Naomi Lauter, a Zionist lobbyist in San Francisco who has an extensive network of contacts in DC and served as Senator Biden’s personal assistant. “It comes from her soul.” (He means from her bank account provided by San Francisco Jews.)  

Jews make up less than 2% of the American population—yet they have 100% influence over Congressmen, Senators, and Jew-bought Congresswomen like Nancy Pelosi, who serves the interests of the Jews, NOT her American constituency.  

Read more from reformed Jew and Christian, Brother Nathan’s site HERE  


Traitorous Nancy Pelosi and Israel This is why America is in Iraq and Afghanistan. These kind of people are out and out traitors and will one day swing from a rope, man or woman.  



Ron Paul describes Nancy Pelosi’s first act in 2006 was to remove a supplementary bill requiring a vote before going to war with Iran simply because Israel’s leadership told her to. That’s how bad it is, people. A foreign nation and race now has control over the American government. No question about it. This is how American citizens and soldiers end-up dying for the lousy Jews. Figure it out!  

The Darfur Deception  

The SDC was established in July 2004 through the combined efforts of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and the American Jewish World Service. It has since been joined by a broad spectrum of political and religious organizations, a gaggle of celebrities and prominent intellectuals. It has spawned student chapters all across the country that range from the high school to university levels. Led by an advertising executive, it is the only organization capable of bringing together such unlikely partners as the Reverend Al Sharpton and author Elie Wiesel, actor George Clooney and former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton. If the signature activity of the anti-Vietnam war movement was the teach-in, for the SDC it is the advertising campaign. The expert has been replaced by the celebrity, the campaigner by the advertising agent. With an annual budget of $14 million the SDC employs the DC-based PR firm M+R Strategic Services (M&R) for its publicity. While M&R boasts a clientele comprising mainly green and humanitarian non-profits, in 2002 it was exposed by PR Watch for using its progressive credentials to greenwash DuPont, one of the world’s leading polluters. The centrality of propaganda to the SDC’s success was underscored by the fact that in the period between Spring 2007 and January 2008, the president of M&R Bill Wasserman also served as Save Darfur’s executive director. Read more here