Various pictures of various thingz.

halloween party [10.27.01]

defcon 9 [07.13.01 - 07.15.01]

Dave's BD Party [02.24.01]

lil bug [09.10.00]

defcon 8 [07.28.00 - 07.30.00]

r00tparty 4 [05.13.00]

infonexus mark 7 [03.23.00]

new year'z eve party [12.31.99]

dinner with ben black [12.30.99]

san diego zoo [08.15.99]

defcon 7 [07.11.99 - 07.13.99]

vegas trip [04.23.99]

r00tparty 1998 [12.12.98]

defcon 6 [07.28.98 - 08.02.98]

r00tparty 1997 [12.11.97 - 12.14.97]

defcon 5 [07.11.97 - 07.13.97]

mycroft going away party [05.01.97]

2600 afterparty [03.07.97]

alhambra n route in germany [02.27.97 - 03.03.97]

r00tparty 1996 [12.14.96]

defcon 4 [07.26.96 - 07.28.96]

defcon 3 [08.04.95 - 08.06.95]
