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"Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women." [Eldridge Cleaver, Soul on Ice, 1968, p.14.]

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On-Line Books Features

Iron Curtain Over America - Col. John Beaty, former Army intelligence officer and history professor,  discusses the Jewish takeover of the Democratic party  and other political activity in the post-WWII years.

Facts Are Facts - Jewish businessman and author, Benjamin Freedman, discusses many suppressed facts about Judaism and the Jewish anti-gentilism. A real eye-opener for all Judeo-Christians.

The Zionist Connection - Dr. Alfred Lillienthal discusses Jewish political subversion both in the US and the Mid East. Explains how American Jews constantly manipulate the US Congress to benefit Israel.

The Origins of Christianity - The late Prof. R.P. Oliver's last book deals with the origins of Christianity and the religous roots of the Aryan peoples.

Jews and US Immigration Policy - Top pychologist analyzes in-depth how Jewish organizations wrecked U.S. immigration policy during the 1960s as part of an overall Jewish political strategy to destablize and dilute the white gentile majority. This is essential information.

Clinton's Jews

Here's the astounding list  showing the tremendous number of Jews appointed to high positions by Bill Clinton.  (And you thought it was your country.)

Updated 8/25/2000

Best viewed at 800 x 600 or higher using Netscape Navigator

Thanks to Candidus Productions for the use of particular graphics

Crimes Against White People - The media routinely ignores and gives scant coverage to crimes committed against White people by non-whites, even those with blatant racial motivations. Here's a brief summary of some of the most horrendous ones.

Jewish Media Control: What Difference Does It Make? - Describes how the Jewish-controlled media censor and distort the news to fit their political agenda and manipulate our country's political system and social attitudes - always to the detriment of the white gentile majority.

Articles - A wide range of articles addressing important problems facing white people. Includes large archive of referenced quotes by and about the Self-Chosen People.

Race Statistics Archive - Large list of links to a wide variety of statistics categorized by race: crime, prison populations, welfare dependency, scholastic and IQ information, population, etc.

Politically Incorrect Facts - Here's information that directly contradicts the lies deliberately spread by liberals, the controlled-media, and anti-White propagandists. For example, did you know that fully 90% of interacial crime is against White people? Or that 99% of interracial rapes are committed against White women? Or that Blacks commit half of all murders?

Links - While we hope you spend time here reading our material, here's many other informative websites dealing with issues of interest to race-conscious White people.

Inconvenient History - Here's history that anti-White bigots don't want us to know. For example, did you know that the majority of the Bolsheviks who imposed communism on Russia in 1917 were Jews? Or that many former black slaves regarded their white owners with affection? These are facts they don't teach in the schools.

Anti-White Quotes - Read the anti-White statements made by famous non-white persons. As you read this section imagine the complete outrage there would be if similar comments were made about non-whites by prominant White leaders and celebrities.  Also included is quoted commentary by writers on anti-White attitudes of non-whites, government policies, and self-hating White liberals.

The Saddest Story Ever Told - A   powerful poem describing the race treason that occurs when  a White woman marries a Black man.

The White Racetraitor's Code -   What White renegades really believe.

The Bottom Line - Who really loses if White people don't stand up for our rights and heritage.

Computer Support - Good selection of links of interest to White racialists active on the Internet: troubleshooting and improving your computer, privacy, free software, hardware reviews, patches, etc.

Preserving Your Privacy - Quick guide to pitfalls in privacy on the Net. Explains tactics to protect your anonimnity. Gives you the nuts and bolts of anonymous email, usenet posting, and web browsing.

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