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Top: Jew Watch Advocate Program: Letter to CNN Concerning ADL Objections on July 4, 2004



The Following Outrageous and Childlike Letter Was Sent by the ADL to CNN on June 25, 2004

Our opinion letters in response follow...

July 4, 2004

All NEWS Media
JW Advocate Analysis

Dear Media Representative:

We were moved to near laughter by the letter dated June 25, 2004 to Mr. Jim Clancy at the CNN International Desk, One CNN Center, Atlanta, GA 30303 and signed by the ADL. (See on Right)

In this letter, the ADL takes upon itself the self-declared right to critique the CNN for not challenging what we see as a perfectly honest statement by an audience member who identified himself as a journalist with Gulf News who said that,  "Many people in the region believe that the U.S. media is – rightly or wrongly – Jewish controlled." The ADL goes on to say to Jim Clancy at CNN, "Unfortunately, this statement went totally unchallenged by you and the panelists," when, in fact, on the website the ownership of U.S. Media is seen as being securely in Jewish hands at its link to Who Rules America where Jewish ownership is named in the following lines, "In July 2001, AOL Time Warner announced that yet another Jew, Walter Isaacson, formerly the editorial director of Time, Inc., will become the new chairman and CEO of CNN News Group...."

Nonetheless, the ADL's childlike letter continues, saying, 'The myth of "Jewish controlled" media has long been a staple of anti-Semites. This anti-Semitic canard is now widely accepted in the Arab world and pervasive in the Muslim and Arab Media, along with the myth of "Jewish control" of the U.S. government.'

It is regretted by Jew Watch Advocate Program that the ADL continues to embarrass itself and to harass others with such untruthful, bizarre, unsubstantiated claims, even using bullying language such as "outlandish and stereotypical statements" and telling CNN that it should do the ADL's bidding by saying the person honestly stating the truth about Jewish controlled media is guilty of "anti-Semitism." 

ADL so-called truths are often open to much conjecture. In addition, since when can truth ever be seen as anti-Semitic? To say this, is to say that pro-Semitic means lying. It doesn't get much more anti-Semitic than that, does it? Shame on the ADL for its letter.


JW Advocate Program

July 4, 2004


Jim Clancy
International Desk
One CNN Center
Atlanta, GA 30303

Dear Mr. Clancy:

We were moved to near hysterical laughter upon reading the ADL's letter to you dated June 25, 2004, which we have enclosed and placed on our website for all to see and analyze. (See on Right.)

To begin with, it is extremely bizarre for an organization representing less than 2% of the people of the United States to attempt to tell a large NEWS agency how to handle its NEWS coverage for the other 98% of its population.

Second, the statements by the ADL that the Gulf News reporter was evidently in error in stating that "Many people in the region believe that the U.S. media is – rightly or wrongly – Jewish controlled" contains no evidence to support the ADL's contention that this is not true. In fact, evidence at shows without a doubt that it IS true. In addition, the reporter never said it was true but that it was merely a contention.

Our link to "Who Rules America" contains the names of the many elitist Jews who own the U.S., U.K. C.I.S., and Canadian media, including CNN itself, where, "In July 2001, AOL Time Warner announced that yet another Jew, Walter Isaacson, formerly the editorial director of Time, Inc., will become the new chairman and CEO of CNN News Group," and which you know is historically true.

Nonetheless, the ADL's childlike letter continues, saying, 'The myth of "Jewish controlled" media has long been a staple of anti-Semites. This anti-Semitic canard is now widely accepted in the Arab world and pervasive in the Muslim and Arab Media, along with the myth of "Jewish control" of the U.S. government.'

It is regretted by Jew Watch Advocate Program that the ADL continues to embarrass itself and to harass Jews and gentiles alike with such untruthful, bizarre, unsubstantiated claims, even using bullying language such as "outlandish and stereotypical statements" and telling CNN that it should do the ADL's bidding by saying the person honestly stating the truth about Jewish controlled media is guilty of "anti-Semitism." 

Since when can the truth ever be seen as anti-Semitic?

Please keep in mind that the ADL represents very few Americans, that its pronouncements and statements are almost always open to question, and that almost no one, except holds it to account for fear they might be further attacked. This is regrettable as it stifles freedom of speech and may portray the ADL as a type of pseudo-fascist ogre that seems to enjoy acting as though it has power, when, in effect, if it does have any power, it is only through the rest of society letting it get by with this type of verbal canard.


JW Advocate Program


Anti-Defamation League

June 25, 2004

Jim Clancy
International Desk
One CNN Center
Atlanta, GA 30303

Dear Mr. Clancy:

We were disturbed by the remark of an audience member during your roundtable discussion with members of the Iraqi press corps on the transfer of power in Iraq, which you recently moderated in Dubai Media City ("Countdown to Handover: The Arab Pulse," June 21).

In a question directed to the panelists about press freedoms, an audience member who identified himself as a journalist with the Gulf News stated that, "Many people in the region believe that the U.S. media is – rightly or wrongly – Jewish controlled." Unfortunately, this statement went totally unchallenged by you and the panelists.

The myth of "Jewish controlled" media has long been a staple of anti-Semites. This anti-Semitic canard is now widely accepted in the Arab world and pervasive in the Muslim and Arab Media, along with the myth of "Jewish control" of the U.S. government.

We hope that, in future, when confronted with such outlandish and stereotypical statements by one of your peers, you would immediately challenge the statement and make clear to your audience that this is anti-Semitism.


Anti-Defamation League 




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