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Top: Jewish Occupied Governments: CIS: TV: Goussinsky's Jewish Monopoly in Russia's Media

Jewish Entrepreneur With Israeli Media Assets Dominate Russia's Media Stream

Goussinsky Owns a Satellite Television Network, an Influential TV Channel, and Provides Monopolistic Programming and /Finances for 50 Related Stations in Russia. And he owns 25% of Ma'ariv, Israel's leading evening newspaper. See how the Jewish Internationalist Finance tentacles seem to created a vast monopoly on information sources for the Russian People?


MOSCOW, August 5, 1998, (JTA) - In order to enter Vladimir Goussinsky's spacious office, you must first pass through an airport-style metal detector and pass a security-guard inspection.

Contributing to his shadowy image, Goussinsky rides in a dark-blue bulletproof Mercedes, usually accompanied by a convoy of bodyguards. When he plays tennis, as many as 15 armed guard patrol the courts.

His personal wealth is believed to have topped $1 billion. "I have a dream," he said in an interview in the 21st-floor office he shares with Moscow's City Hall. "When I am not in this world anymore or am very old, they will remember the name Goussinsky just as they recall the name of the family who started The New York Times."

But Goussinky is more than just one of Russia's wealthiest men. As the president of the Russian Jewish congress, he is the public figurehead of Russian Jewry and the leading Russian sponsor of Jewish communal projects.

Today, his empire includes an influential television chan-nel, a satellite television net-work, a radio station and a company that provides pro-gramming and finances for some 50 related stations throughout Russia. Goussinsky's media empire also includes a leading daily newspaper and a weekly magazine published in cooperation with Newsweek.

"Our task is to help people identify themselves as Jews," explained Goussinsky. "If we succeed, the number of Jews living in Russia will increase."

But even being a Russian media baron and the coun-try's leading Jewish philan-thropist does not fully satisfy his ambitions. Upset with Israel's treatment of Russian immigrants, Goussinsky said he would like to play a more visible role in the Jewish State.

Indeed, he recently outbid cosmetics heir Ronald Lauder to purchase a 25-percent share in Ma'Ariv. Israel's leading evening newspaper. "I am always tempted to interfere," he said.

Quoted from St. Louis Jewish Light Republication of a JTA Report, dated August 5, 1998, Page 3.

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