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Jews On TV
Jews now dominate television to an extreme degree. They are found in every TV position, whether as writers, producers, directors, newscasters, talking heads, commentators, interviewers, interviewees, reviewers, actors, "sex symbols," talk show hosts, or comics. More and more, Gentiles simply watch Jews on T.V., and hear their point-of-view and worldview. Somehow, Jews are now everywhere on T.V. Ethnic networking works!
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Wolf Blitzer, Zionist

Andrea Mitchell, MSNBC
and wife of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan

David Horowitz, Publisher,
Frequent Television
Guest Commentator

Bill Maher, obscene comic, leftist, libertarian, apologist for 911

Bill Maher. Prefers White Gentile women over Jewish ones.

Larry Gelbart, produced MASH et. al.

Eddie Jemison on Carl Reiner's "Ocean's 13"

Larry David, producer of "Seinfeld"

Larry David with Jerry Seinfeld. Insterestingly, Larry David's wife is alleged to have had a two-year affair with Albert Gore, leading up to Albert's divorce with Tipper

"Jon Stewart," 911 apologist, blurs the lines between jokes and  news, blurring over crimes.

Sarah Silverman, despises Christianity, is infamously raunchy and fixed on bodily functions

Geraldo Rivera
Half-Jew, Jewish mother

Nothing is beneath her.

Jerry Springer
Shock-Talk Show Host

Norman Lear

Laura David, Larry David's wife who allegedy had an affair with Albert Gore

Larry King, CNN

Dan Abrams, MSNBC, Abrams Report

William Safire,
Syndicated Columnist, New York Time

Paula Zahn, CNN
Edit -- Zahn is claimed as Jewish by
 some listings of  Jews in media and she
 has enough Jewish appearance in this
photo to be at least half Jewish, particularly the eyes. Whether she is full or
Jewish is not known here. She says she was "raised Presbyterian," but that has no bearing on her race.

Dr. Ruth Westheimer

Sex Celebrity

Sharon Osbourne

Ethnic Networking Totally Works.

Wife of
mumbling 'black metal' front man  Ozzy Osbourne, and Talk Show Host. A Half-Jew, Osbourne shows White European bone structure and this is because of an Irish Mother. Her father was an Ashkenazi Jew successful in the music industry. Orthodox Judaism only considers those born of Jewish mothers to be true Jews. A few others on this site have the look of White-Jewish mixes, but will only be indicated when definitely known.

Barbara Walters, ABC

Mike Wallace, CBS, "60 Minutes"

Ted Koppel, ABC News

Alan Dershowitz
Frequent T.V.
Legal Authority

Judge Judy
(Judith Sheindlin)

Matt Stone, co-creator of South Park. South Park is one of the two most popular cartoons in the US next to The Simpsons and is considered by many to be perverted. Stone is fully Jewish by Jewish law (Jewish Mother), and identifies himself as "ethnically Jewish."

The Birth of "South Park"

From a Jewish News article: "South Park" was born in 1995, when Brian Graden [also Jewish, now MTV president], then an executive at the Fox television network , commissioned Matt Stone, 26, and Trey Parker, 28, to create a holiday video for him to send to friends and colleagues. The two... used construction paper cutouts and stop-action animation to produce "The Spirit of Christmas." Their five-minute film, in which gutter-mouthed kids watch Jesus and Santa try to kill each other in a wrestling match, was passed around in Hollywood circles....Before long...they signed...with Comedy Central.

William Shatner

Gene Roddenberry

Send Jewish faces to: admin @
Additions, cites, and corrections welcome.
Other Resources:Jews In American Media, From the Jewish WebsiteWho Runs Hollywood? C'mon!, Joel Stein, LA Times

Jews in Hollywood, Radio Islam
Book Review: An Empire Of Their Own: How The Jews Invented Hollywood (by Neal Gabler) Reviewed by Jack Wikoff
Do The Jews Own Hollywood And The Media? By Texe Marrs
Judaism Online

For the uninitiated: "Jewishness" is first and foremost a race. A Jew can be a member of any religion and still be Jewish.
Jews are one of the most racially aware groups. White Europeans (Gentiles) are now one of the least racially aware groups.
Jews have a very strong ethnic group solidarity, and network together as a race, just as Whites once did.
The purpose of this website is to help Whites become more racially and culturally aware.