Chapter Fifty One

The Eighth Great Race War - Mexico

The Amerinds were however not the only overtly racial threat which early White America had to face: to the south lay a large mixed race population made up of Spanish/Amerind/Black descent who had in the interim formalized into the country of Mexico. This large Nonwhite population was openly antagonistic to the White settlers to the north, referring to them derogatively as "gringos".

Both early White America and the mixed race Mexicans were at that stage expanding their territorial claims over the central and western parts of north America: it was inevitable that this would lead to a clash between the two groups: and the eighth great race war in history - the war between White America and Mexico, was joined by the mid 1800s, with disastrous consequences for Mexico.

White Numbers Swell

Between 1776 and 1865, the American confederation virtually tripled in size, growing from 13 to 36 states as continued White immigration continued unabated from Europe: Scandinavians settling in what became middle America, Germans settling in middle and north western America, Italians and Irish congregating on the eastern seaboard; French tending to gather in the north, near the former French outposts of Quebec; Russians, Poles and eastern Europeans also arrived: America became a melting pot of virtually every significant White nation.

Even though these groups represented a cultural and ethnic diversity, they all shared an essentially common gene pool: and thus were able to mix with one another without the overall racial make-up of the White population changing.

Mexican Territory

The territory now making up Texas and parts of California were originally incorporated into Mexico in terms of that country's 1824 constitution, having been formally placed under that country's supervision in exchange for letting the state of Florida fall under American supervision in terms of an agreement dating back to 1819.

However, the Mexican state, constantly racked by civil strife and anarchy so typical of the Hispanic world to this day, was never able to exert completely effective control over its northernmost regions, and by 1825, the vast majority of inhabitants (about 30,000 strong) of the region were White immigrants who had poured in from other parts of the United Sates. Simultaneously with this White push south, a small but significant number of Nonwhite Mexicans pushed north, establishing their own settlements in the area.

The Republic of Fredonia

In 1825, a group of small group of Whites obtained formal permission from the Mexican government to settle a small area in the northernmost part of that land, known as Nacogdoches (now in eastern Texas). The arrival of the Whites was however vehemently opposed by the Nonwhite Mexicans in the area: after receiving protests from the Mexicans, the Nonwhite government withdrew the permission it had given to the Whites to settle there.

Antagonized, a group of 16 Whites then proclaimed themselves independent in December 1826, establishing what they called the independent Republic of Fredonia. In January 1827 a small force of 60 Mexicans was sent to squash the ridiculously small White rebellion: the 16 Whites however soundly defeated the 60 Mexicans in the only gunfight of the Republic of Fredonia's existence, and the Nonwhites fled south with several dead.

The Mexicans then sent a force several hundred strong to beat the 16 Whites into submission: they never got a chance, as the Whites had packed their bags and left by the time the Mexicans arrived in Nacogdoches. So ended the first White attempt to seize territory in Texas.

The Great Western Trails

The Mexican held territory of California was also the subject of White colonization: in 1841 John Bidwell and John Bartleson led the first group of settlers overland, starting a series of treks which became known as the great western wagon trails: the Santa Fe Trail, the Oregon Trail, and the California Trail.

Over the next five years, thousands of White pioneers, filled with the zeal of manifest destiny, endured deserts, snow, plains, mountain passes and attacks by hostile Amerinds on the trek west, with many being killed or dying of disease on the way.

The Mexicans regarded the Whites with suspicion: suspecting (rightly as, as it turned out) that the White immigration would encourage the United states to annex the territory. The Mexican government was however simply to weak to do anything about the White settlers.

Mexicans Enact Anti-White Laws

Although the Fredonian rebellion was unsuccessful, the reality remained that the majority of inhabitants of Texas (at that time) were Whites. Realizing the potential of further White rebellions, the Nonwhite Mexican government announced a total ban on all further White immigration into the area - an overtly and specifically anti-White racial law.

The Mexican authorities also rejected requests to establish a provincial government in the region. Racial tensions then built up, and in 1836, an overtly White racial rebellion against the local Mexican government representatives took place, with the Whites refusing to pay taxes or otherwise acknowledge the Mexican authority. This was tantamount to a declaration of independence: and the Mexicans saw the need to nip it in the bud as quickly as possible.

The Alamo

The Mexican president, Santa Ana, marched on the rebel territory with an army 6,000 strong, first engaging the gringos at a fortified mission station known as the Alamo in San Antonio on 23 February 1836.

Inside the fortified mission station were about 150 White volunteers, including the folk hero Davey Crockett, an Indian fighter, frontiersman, former Tennessee legislator and US Congressman, at 50 already a living legend. These 150 men were later joined by a further 33 volunteers, but then the Alamo had already been under siege for three days by Santa Ana's vastly numerically superior army.

After twelve days of siege, the 183 Whites had not suffered a single casualty, while hundreds of the 6000 strong Mexican army had been killed.

Drawing the Line

At the end of the 12th day, the commander of the force, 28 year old William Travis, told his men that their situation was hopeless and that they faced certain death. He said that he was prepared to fight to the death, but that he did not expect any others to do so. He then drew a line in the earth with his sword, saying that anyone who wanted to fight with him could cross the line he had drawn, and any that did not, could try and escape before the fort was overrun by the Mexicans, without losing any honor. It was from this incident that the saying "crossing the line" originated.

All but one of the soldiers crossed the line to join Travis: only a French Jewish adventurer named Moses Rose did not. He subsequently escaped from the Alamo under the cover of darkness and became the only source of information up till the end of the twelfth day.

The Alamo Stormed

Finally on the 13th day, the huge Mexican army finally plucked up enough courage to storm the walls of the Alamo. The battle was short: those Whites not killed in action were bayoneted to death after surrendering.

But the victory was dearly bought: for the 182 White men who died at the Alamo, almost 1,600 Mexicans died during the thirteen day siege. The heroic defense of the Alamo is still celebrated in American folk lore, although the racial implications are deliberately underplayed.

The Massacre of the Whites at Goliad

The fall of the Alamo and the subsequent murder of the survivors shocked the rest of White Texas. Santa Ana then marched on the small White town of Goliad, forcing the town's garrison of 400 men to surrender in March 1836, after a two day battle. Part of the terms of surrender were that the Whites would be released: after keeping them for eight days the Mexicans marched their White prisoners out of the town, telling them they were to be freed and sent to New Orleans.

Suddenly near the San Antonio River the Mexicans turned on the prisoners and starting shooting them. Only 60 of the original 400 managed to escape the massacre.

The news of Santa Ana's war of extermination against all the Whites he could get his hands on, caused shock waves throughout Texas, and large numbers of Whites left the more isolated parts of the state and started congregating in urban centers for protection.

San Jacinto

The White Texans then gathered together their broken army, and with a force of not more than 600 men, attacked Santa Ana's army at San Jacinto in April 1836. With the rallying cry of "Remember the Alamo" (another phrase which passed into American folk lore) the small White army tore into the Mexican force, utterly defeating them in a battle lasting only 20 minutes. Santa Ana himself was taken prisoner in this battle.

The Republic of Texas

The victorious Texans then struck a deal with Santa Ana: he and the remains of his army would be free to return to Mexico if he repudiated the Mexican claim to Texas. Santa Ana agreed and his captured army was set free, returning promptly to Mexico.

The White independent Republic of Texas was created in the same year, 1836. The Lone Star Republic, as it was known, remained independent from 1836 to 1845, when it applied to the US Congress for inclusion into the United States.

A period of debate followed: already the issue of slavery was becoming prominent in the union, and the Republic of Texas was a region which tolerated Black slavery. Their application to join the union was therefore opposed by those northern states where slavery had been abolished, and was supported by those southern states which allowed slavery.

Finally after much internal debate and the twinning of the inclusion another non slave owning state, that of the north western territory of Oregon (claimed by both Britain and the United States), Texas was added to the United States union in 1845, with Oregon being added in terms of an agreement with Britain in 1846.

Standoff at the Rio Grande

The annexation of Texas provoked the second phase of the White American war with Mexico: Santa Ana's successors repudiated the concession he had made regarding Texas, and refused to discuss the inclusion of the state into the United States.

Tensions rose and by March 1846, a Mexican army faced off a White army across the Rio Grande border. The White army, led by General Zachary Taylor (who would later become president of America), crossed into Mexican territory, and encountering no resistance, marched up to the very entrance to the Mexican city of Matamoros.

There the campaign seemed to be on hold: disease and desertions started seriously affecting the size of Taylor's army of 5,400 men: meanwhile the Mexicans were drawing up an army with which to counter the gringo invasion. Finally the Mexicans attacked a small advance party of Whites, killing several in the process. The spilling of White blood caused the American congress to officially acknowledge the state of war with Mexico on 11 May 1846.

White American Invasion

The White army then went onto the offensive: although by this stage numbering only some 3,000 men, it managed to defeat the numerically superior Mexican army in two important engagements, at Palo Alto and Resaca de Plama, and occupied the city of Matamoros itself. News of the victories spread throughout the United States, and volunteers rushed to join up: finally a powerful army of 14,400 men was raised.

The Bear Flag Republic

In the region now known as California, a similar situation to that of Texas had been developing: the outbreak of the hostilities between Mexico and the American government sparked off a White rebellion against Mexican rule there as well: by the middle of 1846, White rebels under the leadership of Colonel John Fremont had captured a Mexican fort at Sonoma, north of San Francisco, and had proclaimed an independent state called the Bear Flag Republic.

The Bear Flag Republic lasted only one month: on 7 July 1846, a US naval unit landed to the south of San Francisco at the settlement of Monterey, and claimed the entire region of California for the United States. A few days later American forces occupied the settlement of San Francisco, meeting virtually no opposition from the Mexicans and being welcomed by the Whites as liberators.

Battles of Los Angeles

By December 1846, American forces had occupied Los Angeles: although by this time the Mexicans had recovered from the initial shock and had been able to draw up their forces. The Mexicans counter attacked, and in the battle of Los Angeles in December 1846, drove the gringos out of the town once again, virtually annihilating the entire White regiment in the process.

In January 1847, the Whites relaunched an attack on Los Angeles: the third in as many months - and defeated the Mexican force, capturing several hundred Mexican soldiers and ending Mexican control in California. What was to become the largest state in America was wrested away from Nonwhite control by blatant force of arms: Mexico was never able to re-occupy California - at least not by using force.

The Battle of Monterey

The White army in Mexico itself had in the meanwhile continued to push south. Taking 6,000 men, General Taylor now advanced on Monterey, a fortress city defended by 15,000 Mexican soldiers. After three days of heavy fighting which saw great casualties inflicted on both sides, the White army was victorious and the American flag flew over the city.

The losses sustained in capturing Monterey had dampened the Americans' enthusiasm for the war, and they seized upon an offer made by the original Mexican aggressor, Santa Ana, who had been in exile in Cuba after having been deposed by the Mexicans themselves. Santa Ana sent a note to the American president, James Polk, saying that if he was allowed to return to Mexico (the American navy was blockading the Mexican coast) he would be able to seize power and end the war. Polk assented to this plan, and Santa Ana was allowed to slip through the American blockade.

Santa Ana's Treachery

However, once back in Mexico City, Santa Ana managed to seize power, but immediately announced his intention to drive the White invaders out of Mexico and reoccupy Texas. Raising an army of 25,000 Mexicans, Santa Ana marched north, but only some 15,000 completed the march; the rest deserted along the way.

Even so, the Mexican army had a three to one superiority over the White army of 4,500 men: the two sides engaged at the Battle of Buena Vista on 23 February 1847. After heavy fighting the whole day, during which the White army came close to being utterly defeated, the Mexicans retreated and headed south.

Vera Cruz

Sensing victory, the White army then called in reinforcements. Boosting its strength to 11,000, they set off in pursuit of the retreating Mexicans. A daring landing of the entire White army on 9 March 1846, from the sea a few miles south of the Spanish founded city of Vera Cruz, saw the Mexicans outflanked.

After a six day siege and bombardment - with the Mexicans replying in kind - Vera Cruz fell on 28 March 1846, with the Mexicans suffering at least 2000 fatalities, including a large number of civilians. Only 67 Whites were killed in the encounter: an indication of the unevenness of the match.

Mexico City

The Americans decided to strike for Mexico City itself: Santa Ana launched a desperate counter attack, ambushing the White army at the small town of Cerro Gordo on 18 April 1846. After losing 1200 men killed to the American's 431, the Mexican leader withdrew his forces to defend Mexico City.

American Domestic Dissension

The protracted war was now causing dissension in the rest of America, with the issue being linked to slavery because of the involvement of Texas, and a strong anti-war movement started which severely hindered efforts to get the army properly resupplied. Nonetheless, many Whites volunteered in a new recruiting drive and by August 1847, the American army consisted of some 13,000 men, with about half of the original volunteers having either been killed, injured or having gone home upon the expiry of their one year contract period.

Mexico City Captured

The assault on the road to Mexico City was started on 20 August 1847, and the Mexican defenders, some 30,000 strong, were defeated in a series of initial battles outside Mexico City. Santa Ana retreated into the city itself, sending a message to the Americans asking for a truce of one year to discuss what he called the "preliminaries of peace".

Amazingly enough, the Americans believed him once again, and agreed to the armistice, although reducing the one year period substantially. Santa Ana had no intention of discussing anything with the gringos; instead he used the break in hostilities to build up his reserves and install new cannons and fortifications around Mexico City.

The Americans soon became aware of the building plans, and, realizing that time was against them (the numbers in the American army were now down to 8,000 fit men, against a Mexican force of 18,000 and growing by the day), decided they had been tricked once too often.

After two weeks of "truce" the White army attacked Mexico City itself. By 8 September, they had smashed their way into the heart of the city and the American flag flew over the capital of Mexico. The Mexicans surrendered and Santa Ana fled once again.

Some 130 Whites were killed in the taking of Mexico City - the third time in that city's history it had been invaded by a White army. The Mexicans were too disorganized to keep a record of their losses, but contemporary White estimates put the number of Mexican fatalities at 3000.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

The peace treaty which formally ended the war, was signed in February 1848, called the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. In terms of the settlement, the United States paid Mexico $15 million and agreed to pay out the claims for damages instituted by American citizens against Mexico (amounting to some $3.2 million), in return for the secession of half of Mexico's claimed territory: this land would form the future US states of Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah, as well as portions of the states of Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. The defeated Mexicans had little choice but to agree.

From East to West

In 1849, gold was discovered in California: this sparked off a new wave of White immigration to the territory, more than doubling the population in less than three years - from 90,000 in 1840 to 220,000 by 1852. By 1850, the state of California had officially been admitted as the 31st state of the United States of America.

When added to the state of Oregon, the United States had once again doubled in size in less than two years, and now reached from the eastern coast of north America right across to the west coast. Apart from one further purchase of territory from Mexico in 1854 (a part of southern Arizona) this expansion marked the end of the creation of the modern state of the United States of America: one that had been created exclusively from beginning to end through racial wars of conquest, first with the Amerinds and then with the Nonwhite Mexicans.


Chapter 52

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