China, Japan, Canary Islands

In addition to the great White Indo-European migrations, several other waves of White migration occurred, varying in number, influence and spread - the most spectacular being a White settlement in North America dating from approximately 7000 BC.

Knowledge of these migrations has been lost for centuries - in some cases thousands of years - but due to relatively recent archeological finds, have now been rediscovered. In this way Nordic and White Mediterranean remains - sometimes preserved naturally, sometimes preserved through artificial means - have been discovered in China, the Canary Islands and in North America - most of them many thousands of years old.

The discovery of these mummies shows without question that early White migrations across seas and continents took place - it is just the exact numbers of individuals who undertook these migrations which is still a matter of debate.

The Tocharians - The Great Lost White Civilization in China

One of the furthermost eastern migrations of Celtic peoples - Indo-European Nordics - reached the Takla Makan desert (situated between Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tibet) in China around 1500 BC.

This great migration was unknown until the 1977 AD discovery of 3500-year-old graves of these people. As a result of the natural dryness of the environment, many of the corpses are almost perfectly preserved, with their reddish-blond hair, long noses, round eyes and finely woven tartan clothing (usually associated with the Celts in Scotland), showing undeniably White racial traits.

These people have become known by the language which they spoke: Tocharian. The civilization which they built consisted of great cities, temples, centers of learning and art - they were also the builders and maintainers of the original Silk Road - the path for trade between the West and China itself.

It was originally thought that the Chinese built the great cities along the Silk Road, but the discovery of the remains of the original people of this region now shows that the impressive ruins which still lie, undisturbed, along that road, are the remains of a great lost White civilization.

The first White mummy in the region was discovered by accident in 1977 after shifting sands uncovered a female corpse whose body had been mutilated, presumably in some act of war.

Excavation around her corpse uncovered a further 16 mummies, so perfectly preserved by the desert that traces of tears were found on the face of a mummified infant. Fully dressed bodies have been found wearing finely woven woolen textiles with Celtic patterns, leather shoes and jewelry. The desert conditions proved so exceptional that even pieces of bread used as offerings were preserved intact alongside what is the world's oldest saddle.

In one grave, excavators discovered a saddle cover and a pair of trousers with drawings of humans on one leg - one face had blue eyes.

The Tocharians: the great lost White migration to China. The Chinese civilization always contained stories of blue eyed and blonde haired leaders who were the originators of Buddhism and who were the first leaders and organizers of Chinese society. These stories were always regarded as pure legend until the 1977 discovery of the graveyards of the Tocharians in the Takla Makan desert in China. The Tocharian mummies - naturally preserved in the dry desert sands are unequivocally clear Nordic racial types. The graveyards lie near the ruins of the great Tocharian cities, built along the famous Silk Route. It is beyond doubt that Whites settled in China, and the Chinese legends of White influence on that civilization may yet have some basis in fact.

The first Tocharian Nordic mummy to be found: a White female with long blond hair.

A Tocharian man with red-blond hair.

A close up of another Tocharian female mummy. Her tall stature, high nose, and red hair are all clear Nordic traits.

By the early 1990s, over a thousand Nordic corpses had been uncovered from the grave yards in the region (called Wapu); but by 1998, the Chinese government had halted further archeological expeditions to the area, quite likely for fear of exposing yet more ancient European faces to the world.

The current inhabitants of the surrounding lands, who are already obviously not pure Chinese and who even speak a form of Turkish, rather than Chinese, have been agitating for independence for some time.

The discovery of the White mummies has served to highlight their racial and ethnic differences from the Chinese and the issue has become a political hot potato for that country's government.

However, some of the mummies which have already been uncovered are still on display in a local museum, while others lie in storerooms slowly deteriorating.

The new finds are forcing a re-examination of old Chinese books that describe historical or legendary figures of great height, with deep-set blue or green eyes, long noses, full beards, and red or blond hair. Scholars have traditionally scoffed at these accounts, but it now transpires that these accounts were correct.

While it is unknown as to what the exact influence these Whites had upon the Chinese civilization, it has been the subject of speculation - based upon old Buddhist manuscripts - that the tenets of the Buddhist religion may have been brought to the Far East by these Tocharian Celts.

The existence of the Tocharians may also explain another great mystery of China: the existence of step pyramids near the city of Xian in Qui Chan province. These pyramids are without precedent in China but which were common to White civilizations.

One of a number of European style step pyramids (similar to Silbury Hill, England - see chapter 3) which can be found in near the city of Xian, Qui Chauan province, China. Can these mysterious - and very un-Chinese - structures be linked to the Tocharians? Another tantalizing clue of Indo-Europeans in China is the fact that the swastika - the ancient Sanskrit symbol for well being - is also common in China as a good luck charm.


With the advent of time, these White peoples mixed with Mongolian tribes surrounding them, and so in this way vanished - but the physical features of the people living in this part of China show very clearly part White and part Mongol traits - and differ substantially from other inhabitants of China, with blond hair not being unknown amongst them.

Once again, these present day physical features are the living proof of yet another great lost White migration. Thus it was that the White civilization of China vanished through racial mixing. Only the crumbling ruins of their cities and their corpses remain as silent witnesses of their era.

The Ainu in Japan

The Ainu are most commonly called an aboriginal people of Japan, occupying parts of the Japanese island of Hokkaido and the Russian islands of the Kurils and Sakhalin (which used to be Japanese territory).

The most striking thing about the Ainu is that they differ still to this day physically and linguistically from the rest of the Japanese population.

Although full blooded Ainu are scarce due to a large amount of intermarriage, the Ainu display in fact distinct traces of White ancestry - typical Ainu have a long skull, a light complexion, a heavy beard (facial hair is virtually unknown amongst the pure Mongolian races) and thick, wavy hair. The Ainu are famous amongst the Japanese for having body hair as well - so that they are derogatively called the "hairy Ainu". Only one other race on earth possesses body hair to this extent - the White Race.

The Ainu - or White - racial influence is very evident in the Japanese upper classes: Below is a comparison of Ainu descended Japanese nobles with a "pure" Japanese Yayoi racial type which makes the distinction obvious.

Ainu ancestry......................... Ainu Ancestry.................... Ainu Ancestry......................Yayoi (Mongol) Ancestry

From left to right: Count Katsuka, Prime Minister of Japan from 1901-1905; Count Hayahsi, Japanese Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, 1908; Prince Arisugawa, one of the Imperial Princes of Japan, 1908; and lastly Count Komuka, Japanese ambassador to Britain in 1908.

The first three have obvious Ainu/White ancestry, while the last is predominantly Yayoi, or of more pure Mongoloid stock. This racial distinction in Japanese society is visible to this day - lasting evidence of yet another lost White migration to lands usually thought of as having no prior contact with Whites.

The Ainu language is unique, and not related to Japanese or any other Asian language. The origins of the Ainu are obscure. They appear to have entered Japan through the Hokkaido Island in the Yayoi Period (300 BC to 250 AD) of Japanese history, and migrated also into the northern and eastern parts of Japan's main island Honshu.

As the rulers of Yamato Japan started to expand their territory eastwards around 500 AD, the Ainu were constantly displaced to the north or mixed with the Japanese. In the Meiji Period (1868-1912) they received the status of former Aboriginals but were strongly discriminated against. The Ainu were first mentioned in a Japanese account in 642 AD, and they were first reported in Europe in 1586.

The American anthropologist C. Loring Brace, University of Michigan, (Science Frontiers #65, Sep-Oct 1989) reported that "pure-blooded Ainu are easy to spot: they have lighter skin, more body hair, and higher-bridged noses than most Japanese." Brace studied the skeletons of about 1100 Japanese, Ainu, and other Asian ethnic groups and has concluded that the revered samurai of Japan are actually descendants of the Ainu, not of the Yayoi (original Mongolian) from whom most modern Japanese are descended. Brace said further that "...this explains why the facial features of the Japanese ruling class are so often unlike those of typical modern Japanese. The Ainu-related samurai achieved such power and prestige in medieval Japan that they intermarried with royalty and nobility, passing on Ainu blood in the upper classes, while other Japanese were primarily descended from the Yayoi."

The Guanches of the Canary Islands

Off the coast of West Africa lie the Canary Islands - this region became home to a mysterious group of Nordics in antiquity who became known as the Guanches.

While it is unknown for sure how they arrived on the islands, what is known is that they shared a number of cultural characteristics with the ancient Egyptians and that their building style appears to have been replicated in South and Central America.

Like the Celtic Tocharians, the finest evidence of what these original Guanche Nordics looked like, is in the fortuitous existence of original Guanche mummies, which are on public display in that island group's national museum. The corpses on display are estimated to be between 600 and 1000 years old.

Two Guanche mummies, with red hair and other Nordic features - the original inhabitants of the Canary islands. It is unknown at what date they settled the islands, but show cultural similarities with the Ancient Egyptians.

An examination of one of the mummies' bodies showed incisions that virtually matched those found in Egyptian mummies, although the string used by the Guanche embalmers to close the wounds was much coarser than would have been used by the Egyptian experts.

The Guanches also possessed the art of writing, although this has not yet been the subject of any major study.


However, the most stunning link between the Guanches and the Egyptians comes in the form of pyramids - the Guanches built several small step pyramids on the islands, using exactly the same model as those found in ancient Egypt and in Mesopotamia. The pyramids have an east-west alignment which also indicates that they probably had a religious purpose, associated with the rise and setting of the sun.

Carefully built stairways on the west side of each pyramid lead up to the summit, which in each case has a flat platform covered with gravel, possibly used for religious or ceremonial purposes.

Left: One of the Pyramids of Guimar, Canary Islands. Right: A Mayan pyramid in Central America (Chichen Itza). The resemblance is unmistakable. There is strong evidence to suggest that Whites used the Canary Island current to cross the Atlantic Ocean and influence the Central and Southern American civilizations in pre-Columbian times.


The famous explorer, Thor Heyerdahl, who "rediscovered" the pyramids on the Canary Islands and who set up an academic body to study the phenomena, argued that the pyramids may be remains from explorers who sailed the Atlantic in ancient times, and who may have possibly forged a link with the pre-Columbian civilizations of the Americas.

As the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands were fair-haired and bearded, it was possible, Heyerdahl suggested, that long before the 15th Century, people of the same stock as those who settled the Canary Islands, also sailed the same route along the Canary Current that took Christopher Columbus to the Americas.

This theory formed the basis of Heyerdahl's famous "RA" expeditions in which he showed that is was possible to cross the Atlantic in an Egyptian reed boat.

In fact Columbus' starting off point was the Canary Islands, where he obtained supplies and water on Gomera, the island next to Tenerife. The Guanches on Tenerife in 1492 did not permit Columbus to land on their island - they were not impressed by the physical appearance of the bearded Europeans, who looked like the Guanches themselves.

When Columbus and the Europeans who followed in his wake landed in the Americas, they were welcomed and initially worshiped as gods, since the beardless Indians they encountered believed that the Spanish belonged to the same people as the legendary founders of their civilization, bearded men from across the Atlantic Ocean.

According to the Aztec and Olmec (Central American Amerind) legends, their god, Quetzalcoatl, had Nordic features (eyes and hair color) and a beard. This god came from over the sea and taught the Amerinds how to raise corn and build structures.

There is indeed a marked similarity between the step pyramids to be found on the Canary Islands and those to be found in Central and South America, strongly suggesting yet another great lost White migration, this time to Central and South America, perhaps a thousand years or more before Columbus.

The position of the Canary Islands and the route of the Canaries Current to and from the Americas. The existence of the red haired Guanches on the Canary Islands, combined with the red haired pre-Columbus mummies found in South America and the marked similarity in pyramid building styles, indicate that Whites probably used the Canaries Current to cross the Atlantic, most likely between 2000 and 500 BC. Columbus himself used the Canaries Current, setting out from the Canary Islands on his first crossing of the Atlantic in 1492 AD.

There is also clear evidence from the Mexican side of the Atlantic Ocean that Whites - blond haired Whites - reached that part of the world long before the Spanish explorations of the late 1490s.

Below is a pre-Columbian wall painting which can be found in the Temple of the Warriors, Chichen Itza, on the east coast of Mexico. The first depicts White prisoners after their capture by the dark skinned natives, and the second, shows a White man with long blond hair being sacrificed by the Nonwhites. It is worthwhile to remember that these paintings date from BEFORE Christopher Columbus sailed the Atlantic in 1492.

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The wall painting above, has been reconstructed as an actual scene (photo below) and is on display at the Parque Etnografico, the museum set up on the Canary Islands around the site of the pyramids which is open to the public.

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Guanche artifacts, such as cave murals, tombs, stone and mortar walls, broken pottery and other everyday items are abundant on the island. Similar artifacts have been found on the African continent itself - notably in Morocco, indicating that at some stage the Guanches crossed the sea to Africa.

There they started mixing with Arabic and other Nonwhite racial types on the African continent itself. This process is very likely to be the cause of some flashes of blond hair and light colored eyes still to be found amongst the Berber population of north west Africa to this day.

The pyramids and other structures on the islands seem to have been constructed by an advanced people - certainly by the time of the Spanish invasion, the Guanches had lost much of their civilized apparel, and Spanish accounts have it that they were attacked by naked tribesmen, who sometimes inflicted serious military defeats upon the invading Spaniards. It was only in 1496 that the Spaniards finally defeated the last of the Guanches.

The arrival of the White Spanish in the mid 14th Century saw the remaining Nordic Guanches absorbed into the new settler population. The blond, blue-eyed, tall stock has been preserved in part, and can still be seen today in many individuals on the island. Culturally speaking, the Guanche civilization was completely absorbed by the imported continental European culture, so that the Canary Islands remains Spanish territory to this day.

Part Two : North America

Part Three: South America

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