Auschwitz Is The Gate To Hell








Rudolf Vrba And Alfred Wetzler

Escaped Auschwitz And Gave Churchill Secret Maps






They Tunneled Under This Fence







Wetzel's Book That Rocked Humanity







Vrba's Book Is Chilling

Only five Jews ever escaped







A Daring Escape

Wetzel, and Vrba, escaped Auschwitz and saved thousands of Jews because of secret maps.

Slovakian Jew, Alfred Wetzler, escaped the Nazi concentration camp with his friend Rudolf Vrba in 1944 and smuggled a ground plan of it to Allied forces.





A Fight For Life

He writes, “It is incredible how tough human life can be, how quickly a person, even with a broken arm, a dislocated foot, a broken head, and bitten by dogs, will do what is asked of him when over him hangs the cudgel waved by the good will of the Reich.”






Hide Here

Wetzel dug under the Auschwitz fence, fought off dogs, and hid in a woodpile for four days.





Smuggled Maps And Met With Churchill

Vrba and Wetzel brought maps, and a can of Zyklon-B, to Churchill. He said "Never was so much owed by so many to so few".






Secret Maps Used For Bombing Raid

The map was used by Winston Churchill to order the bombings of government buildings in Hungary, killing Nazi officials in charge of deporting Jews to Auschwitz.





The Vrba-Wetzler report, also known as Auschwitz Protocols

It is held so sacred there are copies held in the Vatican, US Holocaust Museum, and Franklin Roosevelt's library.






Israel Toasts These Two

Polish President Lech Kaczynski, and Israeli President Shimon Peres, salute Wetzel and Vrba at the museum on Polish Jews.











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