Oxford's Rugby Team

Their actions showed a very anti Semitic side to them








One Of England's Finest Schools








What Were They Thinking?









Jewish Students Are Angry At The Rugby Team









The Rugby Team Played A Cruel Joke On Some Jewish Girls










What Happened?

These elitists clowns threw a party, and the the bet was for everyone to show up with a Jewish girl as a date.  The  unspoken theme was they were to bring the 'Typical Yentas', a young lady who appeared to be fresh off the boat from Krakow.







Oxford's Heavily Jewish Staff Was 'Outraged'

Oxford University has launched an investigation into allegations of anti-Semitism surrounding a "Jewish themed" under-21 rugby team party, to which the attendants were told to bring "pretty Jewish girls," the British newspaper Telegraph reported Friday. 4







Come To Our Gala Event

These twisted monsters thought it was funny.







They Dressed As Caricatures

One of the team members reportedly arrived at the party dressed as a Jewish caricature - holding a money bag.







Jewish Students Were 'Hopping Mad'

Yair Zivan, from the Union of Jewish Students, told The Daily Mail "the actions of a few individuals have caused real offence to Jewish students. UJS is appalled that in 2008 old myths and anti-Semitic stereotypes are still appearing amongst supposedly educated students."







University's Council Of Jewish Society

Arnold Harwood, from the university's Jewish Society, told the Telegraph "it's very offensive and it's very unfortunate that sometimes some students do not think before engaging their brains."







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