Margaret Sanger Started The Zionist Abortion Industry







Abortions Are A $4 Billion Dollar A Year Business









Planned Parenthood Takes In  $700 Million A Year.








It's Not About The Question Of Abortion

The legitimacy of abortion is neither here nor there. The problem lies in the fact that it is a Zionist-dominated, taxpayer-funded scam. It's agenda is to make Zionists wealthy, and provide funds for political agendas.









Their Zio-Scam Started With Schwartzers In 1916

Planned Parenthood began as the National Birth Control League, which was founded in 1916 under the leadership of Mary Ware Dennett. The organization was later renamed the American Birth Control League, under the direction of Margaret Sanger.







Emma Goldman

This piece of 'Zio-Trash' was an anarchist, who backed abortion because she was rumored to have been impregnated by her father. She was a revolutionary, an assassin, and a Jewish heroine.







They Slowly Influence Laws

The League was influential in liberalizing laws against birth control throughout the 1920s and 1930s before changing its name to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. in 1942.












The Feminist Movement

These hoaxers used abortion as part of their rallying cry.







 Today, They Operate Under Various Entities

Also, the Feminist Majority Foundation, the National Abortion Federation, Planned Parenthood, and the National Organization for Women have projects to support clinics in dealing with violent anti-abortion terrorism.







Doctor George Tillerman

Dr. Tiller (nee Tillerman) runs a national destination for illegal late-term abortions, and conceals child rape cases. He is protected by an escort of Federal Marshals.








It Was A Sweet Deal

There are Three Major Chains and they rake in $4 billion a year. Doctors pocket $600,000 annually, and a doctor/owner takes in $3 million a year.






The Rage Grows

In the 1970s, a group of Christians had their fill of these butchers, and there was a rash of shootings.






A Mini-Holocaust

Within a span of a few years there had been five Jewish doctors shot.






Zionists Start With False Flags

They bomb their own clinics to get national attention, and they killed a nurse and a policeman. 






The Leaders Of The Abortion Industry

Schwartz, Glasser, Feldman, Weiner, etc. were all there.






In Kansas City, The District Attorney Filed Charges

The local kosher butcher is George Tiller, and the DA charged him with preforming underage abortions, and not reporting rape.






Tiller's Clinic Is Bombed

As the heat came down on Tiller, his clinic was 'mysteriously bombed'. Most suspected an inside job.  






The Olympic Park Bombing

Zionists planted a bomb killing one person, and it was quickly tied to Eric Rudolph and the Birmingham Abortion clinic bomb. 






Richard Jewell

Then we saw the endless torment of Richard Jewell, the only Jewish security guard in Georgia.






The Bombing Of A Lesbian Bar

Whenever the Zionists need an inside track to their potential opposition, they create their own devils (Kosher Nazis, Kosher 9/11 radicals, Kosher KKK, etc).






Zionists Play The Anthrax Card

Someone sent letters to abortion clinics saying 'Death to America', Death to Israel', and ending saying 'Allah is great'.






Abortionists Get The Laws They Wanted

Smeal, a self styled feminist, was the driving force behind the 'Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act' (FACE).

Eleanor Smeal stated: - “Today, the Ninth Circuit took a major step toward combating the climate of fear and violence that plagues abortion clinics throughout the nation. We welcome the Court’s decision and hope that it will help end the domestic terrorism that providers, clinic workers, and patients face daily.”







Neil Horsley Is The Devil

Horsley runs protests, and keeps a list of potential abortion enemies. Naturally, he does nothing to disclose the owners, their taxpayer frauds, or their obvious stunts.

Horsley runs protests, and keeps a list of potential abortion enemies. Naturally he does nothing to disclose the owners, their taxpayer frauds, or their obvious stunts.










Dying In Iraq For This Human Garbage

Here is another reason why Germany had their fill and passed the Nuremberg Laws. And Americans sit here while their children are killed in Iraq, simply so these swindlers can control the world's oil supply.







The Killing of a policeman

The Eric Rudoph Hoax

The Kansas City Abortion Wars

The 'Clinics' get their boat rocked by students

Judicial Index