Fredrick Toben At Auschwitz





Holocaust denier called to account 

Holocaust denier Fredrick Toben faced accusations of criminal contempt of court yesterday after he claimed the Federal Court was part of worldwide conspiracy against him.






The Australian High Council Of Jewry

The highly revered Jewish leader, Jeremy Jones, demands Toben recant his Holocaust-denial material from Dr Toben's Adelaide Institute website.







Toben Must Be Imprisoned

The lawyer for the Jewish High Council demands Toben be imprisoned. 






Toben Must Believe

In a document lodged with the Federal Court yesterday, Dr Toben, 62, claimed the court was a part of a plan to silence his controversial views on the Holocaust.

"This matter before the Federal Court of Australia is a Jewish conspiratorial matter designed to protect an historical lie," Dr Toben says, in notice of motion filed yesterday.







Toben Questions The Jewishness Of The Court

Dr Toben questions whether Justice Alan Goldberg and Justice Stephen Rothman, both heavily involved in propagating the Jewish Holocaust-Shoah, should be involved in the case.

"Both (judges) have been  gives rise for concern that any kind of justice can emerge from proceedings that directly impact on a contentious interpretation of an historical event," he says.







High Council Attorney Frustrated

Mr Robin Margo told Justice Michael Moore that after six years of litigation from Mr Jones, it was time for criminal action to be taken by the court against Dr Toben.

"There must come a point in which a private litigant doesn't have to keep pushing the barrow for ever," Mr Margo said.
Justice Moore adjourned the case to a date in April, ahead of a possible hearing in June.

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Will Toben get a fair hearing from Jewish judges?

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A good look at Toben

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