A Small Town Grammar School

They get to meet a real holocaust survivor







They Are Blessed When A Holocaust Survivor Speaks






The Survivor Is The Little Boy With His Family






What A Joy

In this story a 80 year old George Mueller suddenly decides to reveal the the world that he is a child survivor. He travels to small schools in Illinois and talks to 12 year-old children.








George As A Child In Germany

He came to America as a teen-ager, putting a horrific and painful past behind him, vowing to start fresh in this new country. For many years, he lied to others about his past, wanting no one to know he was a concentration camp survivor. It wasn’t until he proposed to his wife at Lake Winona that he even admitted to her that he was Jewish.

Levy Mueller said he only wanted to feel normal.







The Horrors Of 1935 Germany

Jews were hated. He said that townspeople beat his Poppa and uncle to death. The children couldn't even go to a show/







The Mother Puts Him On A Train

"Many children waited for the train accompanied mostly by their mothers. The scene was somber, but not hysterical by any means. All these Jewish mothers were there to put their children on what came to be known as the Kindertransport, which would take a train load of children west to Rotterdam. The plan, of course, for us and I’m sure for all the kids, called for us to meet up with our mothers whenever they could take care of last-minute business and make their way to Holland. 3







Momma Goes To Das Gassum Death Kamps

"The last time I saw my mother was a cold, gray February morning in 1939, at a German railway station,  My mother, I remember, was crying and said to us, "Don’t worry. I’m coming soon. Take care of your little sister."








They Hide In A Convent

After George and Ursula were separated from her, they spent several years on the move, always in hiding. In 1943, they were taken from their home at a Catholic convent in Holland, St. Jacobus, to concentration camps called Vught, Westerbork and Bergen-Belsen.







Sent To A Camp

After Holland fell to Germany in World War II, Mueller and Ursula were shipped off to their first concentration camp. They were taken to three different concentration camps in a two-year span.

The last camp they were taken to was Bergen-Belsen, the same camp where Anne Frank died of typhus at the age of 15.







Saved By The Russians

George and Ursula were eventually put on a train – called the Lost Transport – which was liberated by Russian soldiers in 1945. Once George and Ursula’s uncle and aunt learned they were alive, they sent for the two children to come and live with them in America. 6







George Flies To America

By some miracle an aunt hears about George and he is on a plane to America.






Here Is The School Principal

Scott Woods welcomes George Levy and his fantastic stories.








The Ghost Of Irma Grese

 Judicial Index