The Battle Of The Warsaw Ghetto







The Jews Are Told They Must Work








Hitler Sends Them To Armament Factories










The 1939 Invasion Of Poland

This great battle lasted thirty seven days from Sept 1,1939, until Oct 6,1939.








The Polish Surrender

The great war consisted of the Poles in a high speed retreat, and a quick surrender.







Germans Parade In Warsaw

The Polish citizens showed up with their lunches and watched the parade. The war was over for them.






The Occupation

Warsaw had a Jewish population of the  450,000 and life went on as usual. They stayed in their ghettos, and let the war pass them by.







The Invasion Of Russia

Operation Barbarossa was where Nazi Germany invaded  the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941.








Hitler Took The Warsaw Jews To Factories

After he invaded Russia he pried the Jews out of their ghettoes and sent them to work camps.







Hitler Arrests The Fifth Columnists

In February of 1943 the Russians were on the offensive, and Jewish Bolsheviks were assassinating Germans officers, so Hitler ordered the arrest of the Jew fifth columnists. 







Fifty Years Later The propaganda Begins

Its no longer a couple of hundred lice ridden communists that Hitler arrested, today it is millions of innocent children.








Nana Sendler Saves The Day

In keeping with the 60th anniversary of the holocaust we are told that Nana would bribe Nazis with Lupdka's (Yiddish Sweets), go in the ghetto with boxes and smuggle Jewish babies out.







Nana Smuggled 2500 Babies Out

She used cookie boxes.









These Stories Are Absurd

Germany had their hands full fighting the Russian army. you have to imagine that Hitler, and his generals, could have cared less about some porno peddling black marketers. It wasn't till after the war did the nonsense about death camps, Jewish partisans, and the great battle for the Warsaw ghetto took place.

As for Nana, and her cookie boxes, you need to ask what happened to the mothers? Did Nana take the babies to the forest and let wolves raise the babies, or maybe a convent, or maybe some crows flew the babies to Switzerland?








Did Crows Fly The Babies To Switzerland?


Yes - They were 'Righteous Gentile Crows' trained by Schindler
No - This is just more Holocaust BS free polls




The truth on Auschwitz

The Black Dahlia

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