Why God, Did This Child Have To Die?









The Truth About Public Massacres

The most common is the shooters are on psychotropic drugs, and under a psychiatrist's care. The real solution is the teachers, and/or administrators, need to be armed with some form of self defense. You can go with firearms, tasers, pepper spray, etc. Then you have the physical school layouts, using locked doors.








The Columbine Massacre

Despite the rhetoric, this wasn't just two kids that were bullied. This was a pre-meditated and intricate plot involving Jewish students and adults in the local Jewish community. There were other students as accomplices.








The Pearl High School Slaughter

The real psycho wasn't the shooter, It was this psychopath.







The Massacre At Red Lake

This shooter had more psychiatrists around him than Woody Allen.







The Kip Kinkel Rampage

Another creepy little Jewish bastard.










The Real Common Denominator Is Zionism

 If you wanted to analyze it, it is really about gun control. Some incidences, like Port Arthur, and Virginia Tech, are way too professional. A Green Beret would have a hard time racking up those body counts, especially using a pistol. Other attacks are too gruesome. When you see a school full of Amish children, or the kindergarten at Dunblane, getting massacred, they appear to be a pre-planned shock value incident by professionals.

Think about the dramatics of 9/11 with jets hitting buildings, and the buildings collapse. That was a scene straight out of Hollywood. Another noticeable thing is the shooters are written off as lone nuts, and the shooters' psychiatrists, or their relationships are never examined.

Covering up the fact that the overwhelming largest percentage group of serial killers, and mass murderers, are Jewish, is another faulty premise. If Kominski  (Jack the Ripper), Doctor Shipman, Leo Frank, etc., were watched, there wouldn't be a lot of needless bloodshed.

This is not about ethnic profiling, this is about saving lives.







Port Arthur Massacre

Canada's Various Massacres

Virginia Tech slaughter

 Judicial Index