Radical WW-2 Historian On American Tour







He Is Speaking At The University Of Oregon








The University Has A Large Jewish Contingent







Irving Will Be At The Student Union








The Local Hillel Is 'Hopping Mad'









Pacifica Forum to Bring David Irving

On Monday, June 9 at seven p.m. in the EMU Walnut room the Pacifica Forum will host David Irving. Yes, that David Irving. Way to stay classy, guys. Irving’s topic du jour will be “Political Imprisonment in Modern Europe.” Irving has some first-hand experience on the issue; he was convicted of Holocaust denial in Austria in 2006. I’m excited about this opportunity to see a world class, professional asshat in person.

staffUpdate: Not so shockingly, this post got linked to over at Stormfront. I’ve locked the comment thread. Now resuming our regular, ZOG-approved content (sarcasm, by the way).





Dean Frohnmayer

Frohnmayer is a Harvard educated Jewish man who believes in freedom of sppech








Will The Dreaded Nazis Show?

The picture of the Nazis battling Jewish students is too much to take.







Irving's Speech Is On Europe's Political Climate

He will talk about his, and others like Germar and Zundel's,  imprisonment.










Irving Has Turned Into A Confusing Character

He know believes at least 3 million Jews were either gassed in the Reinhardt camps, or shot on the eastern front. His proposed speech about his journey in a Belgium prison just doesn't seem that topical. I would think that college kids would be more interested in the Iraq war, and an invasion of Iran.

Hopefully there will be no staged demonstrations by Zionist ringers, or rabid Hillel draft dodgers, or dreaded Nazis, all being photographed by the SPLC, and the ADL.





The Black Dahlia

Judicial Index