The Forgotten War Heroes Of WW2









Jewish Boys From New York Flock To Join The RAF








"Never Has So Much Been Owed To So Few"







Robert Fisk Publishes His Reader's Letters

In this letter Robert Fisk reads a letter from a 78 year-old women about her heroic RAF brother.







Robert Fisk – The Independent july 5, 2008

Robert Fisk Reads His Mail

Once a week, my mail package arrives from The Independent foreign desk in London. It contains anything up to 250 letters and parcels, and wherever I am – in the hot smog of Cairo, amid the Atlantis towers of Dubai or on my own flower-smothered balcony in Beirut – I never cease to be amazed.  1







Fisk's Readers

Most letters are garbage but this one stood out.








Kathie Somervil-Ayrton Writes

A letter from Kathie Somervil-Ayrton of Marienbad . She recalls an article I wrote about the funeral of a Norwegian friend in a heavily Teutonic church in Oslo, and the brief mention I made of the graves of wartime RAF crews outside the entrance.






The Legend Of Cyril Berger

In one of the ... war graves you mention ... lies my Uncle Cyril Berger, lost on the coast of Norway until, I understand, his aircraft and the bodies of the crew were found much later.








Cyril Was Just A Young Man

He couldn't wait for the Americans to get into WW2, so he joined the RAF.








His Momma

His mother begged him not to go, but rumors of cattle cars going to Auschwitz infuriated him.









An American In The RAF

Cyril came from New York to be trained as an airman ... and I was allowed to go with my father to meet him at the station ... but now I am the last to remember him – so vividly – and as I am 78 – when I die there will be no one left – this is, of course, in the nature of things. But when, at 19, one dies for one's country and what that country stands for – it should not pass unnoticed if possible."






His Last Mission

Shot down over the coast of Norway.







The Luftwaffe Trembled

Nothing put fear in the hearts of the Messerschmitt 109 aces like the these 'Boys from Brooklyn',








What Total Bullsh*t

How many people will read Fisk's column and buy into this silly propaganda? A nice 19 year-old Jewish boy leaves the comfort of his Momma's arms in Brooklyn to become a RAF bomber pilot? Naturally there are no records.

The last time I read one of Fisk's columns, he talked about the Holocaust, and seeing a lake at Auschwitz with the bones of entire cities. If you are going to portray yourself as one of the elite intelligentsia, then don't ramble on about death camps, Jews being feed to bears at Buchenwald, and the 'Lake of Bones'.









My Own War Experience 

When George Patton was strafed by Nazi jets I jumped in front of him, and was shot. Patton was an anti-Semite and he threw me in a ditch, saying "He is just a Jew".  The Nazi SS found me and took me to Mengele who injected blue dye into my eyes, and cut off my lower legs, and reattached my feet to my knees.

There is a new operation where where I can get a giraffe tibia to extend my legs.




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The Ritual Murder Of Rachel Scott

Judicial Index