R. Abraham Fuld Is Lehman's CEO







Dick Fuld Is The Head Of Lehman Brothers


The Zionist Media Says Dick Is A 'Cracker-Jack' Leader

Sixty yr-old Richard Fuld has been the CEO of Lehman since 1993,who has a squash court at home and plays the demanding sport whenever he has a spare moment. He also makes a list of what he has to do every morning and tries not to leave the office until every item is checked off. That helps explain how Lehman Brothers has been able to morph from a struggling bond house into one of the most agile and aggressive investment banks on Wall Street. Since then, Lehman's stock price has outpaced most of its rivals', soaring more than 100%.

Dick Says He Rescued His Employees On 9/11

Fuld 'claims' that he lead the evacuation of its headquarters near the World Trade Center on September 11. Maybe he is holocaust survivor, whose Momma was a French Partisan!! Who knows, he could have been a commando at Entebbe, or dare I say - a friend of Judah Glick, the hero of Fl-93!!


Lehman Is At $.21  Cents A Share

The stock has gone from $85.00 dollars to $.21 cents. It's a safe bet that 'insiders' had big short positions in that stock.


What Happened

Lehman bought US sub-prime mortgages from banks, re-packaged them, and sold them on to global investors. They became an investment bank lending money to real estate. They would lend Abe Marovitz $200 million, who then bought Jack Gold's shopping center, and the shopping center would go bankrupt. Jack Gold got $200 million and Lehman's investors got a bad IOU.


But Does It Make Sense?

The shopping center had to be based off a solid rental income, so all it had to do was meet it's monthly mortgage. So they could stay afloat on a 70% occupancy rate, and today's economy isn't that bad. So the truth is Lehman would lend on bogus non-existent numbers.  The US unemployment rate is 5.7%, which isn't even a mild recession. This Lehman collapse is a 1929 scenario.


So What Will Happen

Bush will bail out Lehman, and the $200 million dollar shopping center will be sold for $25 million to lucky zio-investor. And the fifty thousand small stock investors will get 5 cents on the dollar.

 Here are Lehman's liabilities


  Stock loss  46,000,000,000
Accounts Payable  80,346,000.000  
Short/Current Long Term Debt 359,415,000,000  
Other Current Liabilities  29,363,000,000  

When all the shouting is over you will see a half a trillion loss. 8







It Is Just A Massive Swindle

The real estate is still there, the money that bought it is still there in Abe Gold's pocket, but the thousands of investors will see their retirement go up in smoke. And Abe's next move is to buy gold because eventually the American dollar becomes worthless.

And when everyone gets mad, and decide it's time to unite, Americans will see the real purpose of the great multicultural society. When the Johansson's from Minnesota go to a town meeting to organize they will be staring at room full of various immigrants. 




The Tyco Swindle

The Chrysler swindle

The Enron Rape

Judicial Index