Will Israel Extradite A Convicted Rapist?


















 Kenneth A. Frank Was A Doctor In California








He Claims Anti Semitism Is Behind The Allegations









Frank Was Convicted

Frank was convicted on Dec. 20, 1989, in Kern County (California) of drugging and raping two woman in separate incidents in 1985 and 1986.




Frank Claims Sex Was Voluntary

Frank testified at his trial on charges of raping 23-year-old woman in 1985 and a 27-year-old woman in 1986. Frank told them not to worry because they enjoyed having sex with him, the women said. The doctor testified the women had sex with him voluntarily.





Drugged The Women

Frank took the women to his apartment and tranquilized them, according to evidence presented at the trial. When the women woke up they had no clothes on and found evidence someone had sexual intercourse with them, the women testified.





Fled To Israel

He has been a fugitive since Jan. 17, 1990, when he failed to show up for his sentencing hearing in Kern County Superior Court where probation officers recommended that he be sentenced to 12 years in prison.





He Is Now Dr Yonatan Efrat

Frank is in Tel Aviv where he was using the name Yonatan Efrat.





Israel Decides On Extradition

Frank is married with a child while in Israel. He is waiting extradition hearings in Israel to see if he will be ordered to return to the United States.







Just How Many Did He Rape?

A doctor giving patients thorazine and raping them. I have to imagine there were a few others that a friendly Rabbi, or lawyer, convinced to take $5,000 and forget it.






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 Two videos on the case

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