University Of Notre Dame Fights Zionism







Bishop Opposes Zionist's Abortion Mills








Notre Dame Is The Fighting Irish






The Church Doesn't Advocate Abortion










Obama Notre Dame invite stirs Catholic debate

It seems Notre Dames new liberal president invited Obama as a commencement speaker, and alumni oppose it because they consider Obama's backing of the Jewish abortion industry offensive.  5










Obama Bows To The Abortion Lobby

Early moves by the Obama White House — such as lifting restrictions on overseas family planning groups that perform abortions and on stem cell research that destroys embryos — have prompted some U.S. bishops to challenge the new administration. 9









Norte Dame's Chapel

By inviting Obama, Notre Dame is thumbing its nose at the Catholic church and "forfeited its right to call itself a Catholic university," Ralph McInerny, a professor of medieval studies and philosophy, wrote on the Web site The Catholic Thing.







The Abortion Lobby

Gloria Feldt, a president of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion clinic chain in the world.









Will Mr Abe Foxman Take A Stand?

Clearly what Notre Dame advocates are doing is borderline anti Semitism.










Notre Dame's Resident Rabbi

Rabbi singer is Judaism's representative on Notre Dame's campus, and also runs Notre Dame's 'Holocaust project project'. 6








What Should Be The Christian Stand?

I would let Obama speak and push his abortion stand, but I would demand a question and answer session. Ask him about dying in Iraq for the Mosul Haifa pipeline, the Zionist controlled Afghanistan opium trade, Israel's war crimes in Gaza, and the sending of Christian boys to die in Iran for Israel's plans of world domination.

These schools are about introducing students to their coming positions in the world. They have a right to know why the Zionist's controlled banking scheme is collapsing the world economies.






The Abortion Lobby

Judicial Index