Another Fable Surfaces On The Amish Shooting










A One Room School House With Lots Of Windows

















The Amish Shooting Never Made Sense

The whole thing smells of a Hollywood movie. You couldn't have a more startling image than someone executing 7 yr old Amish children at a remote school house. But, where is the follow up on the killer? All we know is, a lone nut executed six little Amish girls in a schoolhouse, and wounded four more.

It certainly was a gift to the gun lobby.











Colonel Abe Miller

A year after the event, the police chief talks. He describes how a patrolman leaped through a window as the killer was reloading, their eyes meet, and the killer blew his brains out.

This Perfumed Prince, who had a meteoric rise from clerk to chief, turns out to be a Zionist.





This Doesn't Make Sense

The 'Chief' says three officers approached the door and the villain blew a hole in the door with a shotgun, so police retreated.  Then a few minutes another officer leaped through a window, and frightened the guy into suicide.












The Timeline

  • 10:25 - Killer arrives
  • 10:35 - A teacher escapes and calls the police
  • 10:45 - Four Police show, but wait for reinforcements
  • 11:00 - Place is surrounded
  • 11:07 - The killer shoots the kids








An Observer

An Amish man stood at a window and 'tried' directing police.









The Killer

Charles Roberts killed the children because "He was angry at God" when his premature baby died, nine years before.











No Investigation Or Coordination

There should have been a detailed investigation into the shooter (drugs, acquaintances, trips,etc). The FBI should have made a 20 min movie on dealing with these crises.














A Cry For Gun Control

Gun control laws, that's the real goal.







What Should Have Happened?

A teacher described the school layout, the lone killer, his mental state, and his guns, to the police. Whoever was in charge should have stuck cops at the windows, and taken the first shot. After Columbine, the decision to move quickly is easy.

Today's story by Chief Miller, a year after the event, makes no sense. Cops try to enter, a guy blows a 2 foot hole in a door with a shotgun, so the cops decide to go back behind their squad cars? Cops leaping through windows?




Amish funerals

Red Lake Massacre

Columbine Massacre

Port Arthur Massacre

Pearl High School Massacre

Kip Kinkel Massacre

Canadian Massacres

Judicial Index