April 5th, 2004


Jacob Schiff, World Jewry and the Russian Revolution






  Jacob Schiff finances Russia's defeat


On April 4, 2003 the Jewish newspaper, The Forward, wrote of events one century previous: "When Russia launched its ill-fated war against Japan the next year (1904), America's leading Jewish philanthropist, investment banker, Jacob Schiff, volunteered to underwrite Japan's war bonds and personally financed Russia's defeat. Schiff and other prominent Jewish business figures entered a series of negotiations that led three years later to the formation of the American Jewish Committee, arguably the world's first modern human-rights lobby.



President Theodore Roosevelt greeted the committee's formation by inviting its best known figure, the former diplomat Oscar Straus, to become his secretary of commerce and labor, the first Jew to serve in an American cabinet. And not a word about color-blind meritocracy: "I want to show Russia and some other countries," Roosevelt wrote to Straus, "what we think of the Jews in this country."

The Forward clearly had forgotten that most observers believe that Japan started that war, not the evil Russians.


The Japanese sneak attack at Port Arthur against Russia in 1904 brought respectful compliments from American cultural icons such as Teddy Roosevelt and the New York Times. On February 13, 1904 the New York Times berated the Czar of Russia: "the point that the Japanese violated international law in going to war without a formal declaration would be of no importance if the Czar had not dignified it in raising it to the Russian people" and added "the practice of initiating war by formal declaration has gone out". Rough Rider Teddy wrote his son on how pleased he was by Japan's stunning duplicity at Port Arthur. His sense of fair play was not affronted. While December 7, 1941 is still remembered as a day of infamy in America, no historical sense exists that other nations suffered similar faithless hostility.



In 1917 after the Czar was deposed, the elder George Kennan lecturing at Carnegie Hall related how Schiff financed revolutionary propaganda in the Czar’s army during the Russo-Japanese War. The Society of the Friends of Russian Revolution had at the time of the Russo-Japanese war spread among 50,000 Russians in Japanese prison camps the gospel of the Russian revolutionists.


"And" said Mr. Kennan, "we know how the army helped the Duma in the bloodless revolution that made the new Russia last week." Schiff was permitted by Japanese authorities to visit the Russian prisoners and arranged the distribution of revolutionary propaganda. Kennan lauded the banker: "The movement was financed by a New York banker, you all know and love.



" Rabbi Steven Wise, the great saint of American Jews in the 20th century exalted the revolt: "I cannot forget that I am a member and a teacher of a race of which half has lived in the domain of the Czar and as a Jew, I believe that of all the achievements of my people none has been nobler than that part the sons and daughters of Israel have taken in the great movement which has culminated in the free Russia."



Louis Marshall not troubled over the slaughter of Romanoffs

This enthusiasm was not rare among Jews. Louis Marshall, president of the American Jewish Committee and an officer of the Friends of Russian Freedom, hailed the Russian upheaval as the greatest world event since the French Revolution. The American Civil War and the lives of Americans obviously did not interest him. Nor did the consequences for the Slavs of Russia stimulate any thought.. Schiff12.jpg

The New York Times of December 30, 1917 captioned an article "Jews in Germany Firm". Jewish financiers in Germany refused to support the German war loan unless the German Government undertook to refrain from all opposition to the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, independent of Turkish suzerainty or control. The Jewish Correspondence Bureau here (New York) has received a telegram from Berlin stating that at a Zionist conference in Germany a resolution was adopted in which satisfaction was expressed that Great Britain had recognized the right of the Jewish people to a national existence in Palestine. The effect on the Corporal Schickelgrubbers of the Kaiser’s army was not contemplated.


Jews get Israel and American boys died

Writing in 1930, George Bernard Shaw correctly and flippantly observed that in the First World War Lord Balfour purchased the support of American Jewry for Britain by the promise of assisting in the birth of a new Jerusalem. In those days as today the golden rule for Jews "is it good for the Jews" was observed. Effects on the goyim simply were not considered. American soldiers could die to satisfy American Jewry.



[2]NYT, Feb 13, 1904, p8  (editorial page)

[3]Congressional Record, p3334, April 11, 1947, (inserted by Senator Thomas of Utah and extracted from  

     Zabriskie's American-Russian Rivalry in the Far East, 1895-1914)

[4]   NYT, (Mar 24, 1917, p1)

[5]   NYT,  Dec 30, 1917, p3:5, 

[6].  George Bernard Shaw, What I Really Wrote About The War, p118, (Constable & Co, London, 1930)