Israeli Targets Arabs For Publicity

These Three 'Israelis Arabs' Were Found In A Field


Shanati Shanati,  Amir Naim, 17, and Mohammed Faour, 18, all three - young Muslims and close friends - died Thursday when one of Hezbollah's Katyusha rockets crashed down.  They were found by Israeli Police in a farmer's field.








Fourth Victim Found In A Wooded Area


 Another 'Israeli Arab' named Ben-Abu. His wife is grieving at his funeral.









The Fifth Victim Was Killed In His Car



The next victim was also an Arab Israeli, found in his car.








Three Israeli/Arabs Killed



60-year-old Fadia Jumaa and her two daughters, Samira, 31, and Sultana, 33, were killed by a Hizbullah rocket attack on their home in the Israeli-Bedouin village of Arab al-Aramshe.










Arab Apartment Hit In Haifa - Three Israeli/Arabs Killed



An Israeli Arab man is rescued from the rubble

An Arab apartment building, in Haifa's Arab section, Wadi Nisnas, suffered a direct hit and collapsed. "Three people were killed,  and 30 seriously wounded" according to Magen David Adom.

Article ...8/6/2006

This was an Israeli mortar team.






Rockets Hit Arab House


8/10/2006 --  Hezbollah rocket in the Arab town of Deir Al-Assad, in northern Israel, killing killed two Israeli Arabs.








Israelis Use Arabs As Terror Victims

Jews are all too well aware of propaganda, and lately Israeli Arabs are their victims. An Israeli mortar squad sets up outside an Israeli/Arab village and will target the Arab neighborhoods. 90% of those being killed in Israel are either immigrant workers, or Israeli Arabs.