'Loose Change' - A Video About 9/11






Young Entrepreneurs Break New Ground





The Producers Of Loose Change

Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, Nathan Bermas.






Alex Jones Is A Promoter of the Video

He gives it his "stamp of approval".












What Is All The Excitement?

Loose Change is a boring, convoluted, eighty-minute video. It's premise is that Bush, the CIA, Big Oil, and Larry Silverstein orchestrated 9/11.








Who Are Dylan Avery And Rachel Woodhouse?

Two Jewish college students from New York.








Who Is Alex Jones?

He is an internet radio show host, who has produced numerous videos, and promote the video 'Loose Change'.

Jones believes that Lyndon Johnson ordered the attack on the USS Liberty, that Bush and the CIA orchestrated 9/11, and that Zionists were not involved in 9/11.







The World Trade Center

'Loose Change' says the building was blown by Bush, the CIA, and Larry Silverstein.







The Pentagon

The video theorizes that a cruise missile hit the Pentagon.








Flight 93

'Loose Change' says the flight landed at Cleveland and the passengers are being held captive at a NASA research center.








All Roads Lead Here

It seems the Jewish billionaire family, the Nathan Simons, are active in the 9/11 truth movement. A diagram of the inter-connections.









There Is Nothing Exciting Here

A bunch of Jewish kids, financed through the Simon family, produce a silly video filled with half truths. Then you have Alex Jones, and the Zionist media, declare it 'The Torah of Truth'.

The truth is, Israel spent 35 years indoctrinating the world about this event. They used Abu Nidal (Mossad operative), and his mysterious Black September movement, convincing everyone that evil Arabs hijacked jets, because of their hatred of the 'Infidels'. This whole episode will culminate in another one of their 1929's wealth transfers. The Zionists will get the Arab's oil, control of the world's corporation through a massively devalued stock market. The climax will be an establishment of a new currency, based on gold.





Oklahoma City Bombing
Natalee Holloway
Red Lake

 Judicial Index