Who Is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi?








Zarqawi's  Headquarters are In Al Zarqa, Jordan










Zarqa Is a Town Built Alongside The Zarqa River





It Dates Back Thousands Of Years



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Jordan Was Established When The British Split Palestine At The 1923 San Remo Conference

Jordan Was Established When The British Split Palestine At The 1923 San Remo Conference


population of 780.000



Jordan Is Israel's Puppet State

The British split Palestine, established Jordan, and put King Abdullah I in as the ruler. This is where the mysterious Al Qaeda came from.








Jordan's Rulers Have Always Been Israeli Puppets

King Abdullah King Hussein King Abdullah II
1882 - 1951 1935 - 1999 1962 -

King Abdullah was assassinated in July of 1951, by a Palestinian opposed to Jordanian tolerance of Israel. In 1957, Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia signed a ten-year pact which furnished Jordan with an annual subsidy of $36 million, which was dissolved when Hussein refused to sever British and Israeli ties.







Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

Born in 1966, his biography states he was a "vicious anti-semite", who grew up in the poor areas of Zarqa, Jordan. Zarqawi has a hazy past. Some say he was a bandit in Afghanistan, and others say he spent time in Europe. Somehow, he allegedly met Bin Laden and became the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq.

He is charged with beheadings, assassinations, car bombings, synagogue attacks, and organizing insurgents in Iraq.

In reality, he is an Israeli media creation, emanating out of Jordan.








Jordan's Terrorist Training Camps


In the 1970's, Israel and Jordan, sponsored the training camps at Zarqa, 20 miles north of Amman. The Mossad clandestinely recruited hundreds of dissidents from Israel's brutal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, and sent them there.








Zarqawi's Groups Are Blamed For Beheadings, Ambushes, Bombings, Assassinations

Danny Pearl Nick Berg Beheadings Synagogue Bombs

"A little too Hollywood, and a little too propaganda-friendly to Israeli desires."








Al Qaeda Is An Israeli Fabrication, Out Of Jordan

The reason for using Jordan is, it allows Israel to distance itself from Al Qaeda. Any competent analyst sees Israel, and it's 'Puppet State' of Jordan, as the real sponsors and orchestrators of Al Qaeda .

Their latest production of  'Juba the sniper', is the most transparent operation they have done to date.





Famed sniper 'Juba' may be Israeli


Wal-Mart Health Subsidies

Dov Zakheim

 Judicial Index