Bombs Hit Two Markets In Baghdad







Over Eighty Dead













Mostly Women And Children








Two Markets Were Bombed In Baghdad

Israeli operatives hit two popular central Baghdad markets, killing at least 79 people, and wounding  more than 165. The first bomb went off in a parking garage, below stores at the Shorja market. This was followed within a minute by two more car bombs placed at intervals in the district, spreading devastation for a half block. At the Haraj market, a half mile away, a second set of bombs went off.

Three suspects, two of them foreigners, have been arrested, he added.

So according to the Zionist control press, Iran, who is Shiite, smuggled massive car bombs to Sunnis, and their purpose was to kill Shiites? These bombs are Israeli operatives, and their point is to create a civil war. No one kills families at a marketplace, except Zionists.







Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index