A People That Shall Dwell Alone

By Erich Gliebe


An Explanation of Jewish Behavior
by Erich Gliebe  March 24, 2007

Hello and welcome back to American Dissident Voices. I'm Erich Gliebe,
Chairman of the National Alliance.



Jews and the Bolshevik Revolution

Regular listeners of this program will know that we often refer to Jews and
Jewish behavior during this show. Many of you will know that Jews have
played an extremely destructive role in modern history. Without going back
too far in history, many of you will know that communist Jews formed the
core of the Bolshevik Revolutionaries who created the Soviet Union.


The Self Hating Jew

Many of you will know, as Winston Churchill wrote in a London Sunday
newspaper in 1920, that Jews have been "the mainspring behind every social
upheaval and revolution of the 19th Century."


Jews behind The Civil Rights Movement

Many of you will know that Jews were behind the "Civil Rights" movement in the United States of America, and were the driving force behind the immigration reform of the1960s, which opened this country up to the massive non-White invasion from which we suffer today.


Jakob Cellar

The Media Moguls

Many of you also know that Jews have a disproportionate influence in the mass media, if not through outright control and ownership, then through economic pressure in the form of advertisers.


AIPAC And Our Leaders

Many of you also know that Jews form the single strongest lobby in Washington, D.C., and have the ability to directly influence domestic and foreign policy in their interests, as witnessed by the illegal war in Iraq, which is being fought exclusively for Israel's benefit.


The Great Infestation

All of this -- and more -- is well known amongst our people, in any event.
But less well known is an understanding of why Jews behave the way they do.
It is easy to list the things that Jews do: but it is less easy to offer a
reasonable explanation of why they do the things they do. If one thinks
about it logically, there is no immediately rational reason for Jews to
behave the way they do. In America, for example, this country opened its
doors to them, allowing them to flee persecution for their behavior from
many European countries. They were allowed to settle, flourish, and gain
positions of great influence here.


Pestilence Takes Root

And what do they do in return? Jews are active in almost every single
movement that seeks to destroy the very same America that gave them
sanctuary. From immigration issues through attempts to suppress freedom of
speech, with anti-First Amendment bills before Congress like the current
"hate crimes" legislation, you name it: Jews are behind it.


Early Immigration Policies

On the face of it, this behavior seems suicidal. In fact, it is. Take
France as an example: after World War II, International Jewry has worked
full time at suppressing any form of European nationalism, out of a fear
that Hitler would again arise somewhere. This led directly to the open
borders immigration policy, which has dominated Europe since the 1960s.


Black Immigration Backfires

Now that France has untold millions of non-White, North African Muslim
immigrants,  Anyway, the point is that Jewish behavior in Europe has led
directly to the growth of a non-White population there, and now that this
new population has exhibited signs of hostility to Jews, those same Jews
are busy fleeing their own creation, much like Mary Shelly's novel,
Frankenstein, which sees a mad doctor create a monster only to be destroyed
by his own creation.


Jews Migrate To Florida

Jews in France are fleeing by the hundreds of thousands -- mostly to Florida -- to escape what they call "anti-Semitism," but which is in fact a Muslim reaction to the excesses of the Zionist state
of Israel.


The Persecution Card

This suicidal-like behavior has led one observer to comment that if
tapeworms could speak, they would say, "Oi vey, vy does everyone hate me."
Tapeworms have many parallels, you see, once they destroy their host
organism, they also very often die if there is no readily available host on
to which they can latch.


A Professor Explains The Culture

Amusing as this may be, this still does not provide a reasonable
explanation of why they behave the way they do. Professor Kevin MacDonald,
from the Department of Psychology, CSU-Long Beach, who has no link to the
National Alliance, I hasten to add, has an explanation of why Jews behave
the way they do. He is an advocate of "evolutionary psychology," which
seeks to explain the human mind and human behavior by examining them
through evolutionary theory. Professor MacDonald's theory is that that
evolutionary competition takes place not just between individuals or genes,
but also between human groups.


The Myth Of The Superior Intelligence

In the course of Jewish history, MacDonald says, Jews have developed
predispositions to high intelligence, verbal intensity, altruism to kin,
and a suit of other traits; and these traits further a "group evolutionary
strategy," by which the Jewish population competes with non-Jewish


This is an appealing theory, and I am sure, at least partly, if not completely, correct. However, I do feel that there is still an important
element missing here, namely, why would Jews develop a group evolutionary strategy in the first place. Why them, and not any other of the
considerably vast range of racial groups on earth, not to mention the greater Semitic nation of families.

The answer, I believe, lies in biology, and its direct offshoot, psychology. The study of psychology is, of course, actually just the study
of the effects of biology, as all human and animal behavior is determined by biology.


Genetic Markers

The first thing to understand about Jews is that they are a distinct
biological entity to themselves. Studies of the Y-chromosome, mitochondrial
DNA, and autosomal markers have demonstrated that Ashkenazic Jews derive
most of their ancestry from the Middle East and have little in common
genetically with the Europeans among whom they live.



The Sephardic Jew

A study, done by Jewish scientists in 2000, showed that Jews from diverse countries in Europe, North Africa, Kurdistan, Near Eastern groups, Yemen and Ethiopia, found that despite their long-term residence in different countries and isolation from one another, most Jewish populations were not significantly different from one another at the genetic level.



The Ashkazian Jew

The results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern ancestral population, and suggest that most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities.

The study went on to conclude that European Jewish -- also called Ashkenazi-- male lineages are about 77% Jewish / Middle Eastern. A 23% European male admixture amounts to an accretion of less than 0.5% per generation. A 2004
study indicated that the level or European admixture is even lower, about five to eight percent.




On this topic, it may be of interest to some listeners to know that there
has also been a study published in the American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, entitled "Affinities between contemporary and skeletal Jewish
and non-Jewish groups based on tooth morphology," which was based on a
comparison of 3,000 year old skeletons found in Jerusalem and modern Jews
all over the world.

The results showed that despite the thousands of years and wide geographic
dispersal of Jews, they were all related. This puts rest to many theories,
including the one that the Jews of the Old Testament are not the same ones
of today, but is important in that it shows that there has been, and
continues to be, a genetic continuity in Jews which goes back thousands of



The Inbreeding

In other words, the genetic studies show very clearly that Jews are distinct, largely homogenous, racially defined group, which has, despite great geographic dispersion, been able to maintain its biological group identity to the largest degree.

Now, I will be the first to admit, this is a remarkable achievement. No other group of which I am aware, has succeeded in retaining its unique identity in the face of geographic dispersion. However, in this ability to keep a distinct identity, lies the explanation of Jewry's behavior.



Anyone who has studied the science of psychology knows that there are two symptoms of paranoia: delusions of grandeur, and delusions of persecution. The Jews are the only people on earth who have made a religion out of these paranoiac symptoms.



God's Chosen

On the one hand, they believe that they alone are God's chosen people, above all others -- now that is a delusion of grandeur if ever I have seenone; and on the other hand, their whole religious history is one of them being persecuted, which can be seen even in their questionably historically accurate biblical stories.



So what you have is a group that has made a religion out of paranoia, out
of delusions of grandeur and delusions of persecution. This group paranoia
was probably started by a group of Jews in Palestine who suffered from this
common paranoia gene. Those Jews who did not have this gene, were not
attracted to the belief system, and so fell out of the Jewish gene pool of
their own accord.

As a result of the Jewish laws of biological descent -- remember they still
today believe that only someone born of a Jewish mother is actually a Jew
-- this Jewish group, which had already excluded Jewish tribesmen who did
not suffer from this group paranoia gene -- became a closed gene pool.

Now, those of you how know a bit about genetics will have heard of the
concept of a "founder gene" being spread amongst a closed gene pool.

The disease known as 'variegate porphyria,' which is very common amongst
White Afrikaners, for example, has been traced to a single Dutch person who
settled in that country in 1688. Despite only being caused by one single
person, variegate porphyria is the single most common genetic disorder
amongst modern Afrikaners, and causes skin disorders and internal organ
failure, which can include heart disease.

There are many other examples of founder gene effects, which directly cause
a certain trait to become common amongst identifiable ethnic groups. Even
facial shape can be affected by this founder gene effect, as anyone
traveling in parts of Europe will be able to confirm.

This founder gene effect amongst Jews, confirmed by the way of the
discovery of a single founder gene for the Cohen sub group of
priestly-class Jews, combined with the 'dropping out' of Jews who did not
have this paranoia-gene, has created a self-feeding, closed genetic pool of
people who, quite literally, suffer from a group paranoia, unseen and
incomparable in history.


The Gene Pool

This closed gene pool and extensive inbreeding amongst Jews has some
serious genetic side effects as well, of course. It's well known that Jews
are one of the most inbred of all ethnic groups and manifest a large
assortment of ailments attributable to that inbreeding. A famous example is
Tai-Sachs disease, and the unusually high levels of imbecility amongst
Jews, to the point where you will even find exclusively Jewish mental
asylums. It is also no coincidence that the wackiest psychology "experts"
-- such as Sigmund Freud, who tried to explain everything in terms of sex
of excrement -- are Jews as well.


The Egotistical Jew

This, I suggest, provides an adequate explanation for Jewish behavior. We
are dealing with a group who, firstly, genuinely believe that they are
chosen by God to be superior to everyone else -- hence they call non-Jews
cattle, or goyim, to be herded along like inferior creatures, and who,
secondly, continually fear persecution which they know and understand, even
if subconsciously, to be the inevitable result of their scandalous behavior
towards the goyim, should their victims ever attain a degree of racial
consciousness and understanding of what the Jews are doing.


This theory, I believe, dovetails well with Professor MacDonald's
explanation of Jewish group evolutionary theory, and provides a reason why
Jews appear to be so driven to take over positions of influence, power and
control over any society in which they are allowed to settle.

This also explains Jewish consistency in their behavior, something that
previously was thought to be the result of some grand conspiracy. I don't
think there is a grand conspiracy. I think there is just defined group
behavior, which is driven by group genetics, which in turn drives group

An example of this 'non-conspiracy' theory is the following: we all know
that termites destroy wooden structures. But there is no grand council of
the elders of termites, deciding years in advance which building to attack
or which tree to bring down. Termites just do what they do because they are
termites, and that is what their biology has programmed them to do.

Let me put it another way: perhaps some of you are familiar with the story
of the frog and the scorpion? The story goes like this. There once was a
frog sitting on one side of a wide, fast stream. As he was about to jump in
and cross the stream, a scorpion came toward him yelling for him to wait.

"Wait, wait!" yelled the scorpion. Prudently, the frog hastened to move out
of striking range. "Did you mean me?" the frog asked.

"Yes," replied the scorpion. "I need to cross the stream." The scorpion
then said, "Give me a ride."

The frog was at first surprised, then amused. "Give you a ride!" said the
frog. "Are you crazy? You will sting me, and then we will both die in the

The scorpion was slow to answer as though addressing an ignorant child.
"Now think about this. You have given your own answer! If I did that I
would also kill myself. Now why would I do that?"

The frog thought about this logic and agreed. He had allowed instinct to
override logic. "How foolish a thought!" So the scorpion hopped on the
frog's back and they made their way into the water.

Soon the scorpion said, "See, I told you there was nothing to worry about."
Just after that, the scorpion stung the frog. As the frog felt himself
fading, he shouted, "Why did you do that? Now we both shall die!"

The scorpion immediately replied, "No matter how hard I tried I could not
resist, for it is in my nature."

And so it is with Jews: they do what they do, not because of some vast
Satanic conspiracy going back thousands of years, as some would like to
think, but simply because evolutionary pressures have created them to be
the way they are.

A lot of people say they admire Jews and are envious of their positions of
influence and wealth.

I don't agree with that assessment. Quite frankly, I think any nation that
suffers from such an all-encompassing group paranoia, cannot be very happy
within itself. Imagine constantly living in fear of discovery, in fear of
retribution for activities that you know are contrary to other peoples'

Imagine the Jews in France, or elsewhere in Europe, who now know that their
group's intervention in European immigration policies, has led directly to
the threat which Jews themselves now face from the millions of non-White
Muslim invaders in those countries? They know they have brought it upon
themselves, even if they do not admit it openly. It must be a serious
psychological burden to bear, and must contribute to the other famous and
typical Jewish traits, aggressiveness and chutzpah.

In fact, it is no coincidence that the Yiddish word chutzpah has come to
take on a universal meaning for outrageous cheek. Jews do display the most
outrageous cheek. Take for example an item in the news this week: a series
of lectures in Australia by Jewish professor Raphael Israeli (no mistaking
his ethnic origin there).

Professor Israeli works at his nation's Hebrew University, and is running
around Australia telling Jews and goyim alike that "life will become
untenable" unless the Muslim population is kept in check. Professor Israeli
said Australia was in danger of being swamped by Muslims -- especially from
Indonesia -- and called for a "preventative policy" to protect national
security and ensure Muslims remained a "marginal minority."

Professor Israeli advocates a closing of the immigration door to Muslims in
all European countries as the only way of preserving Western civilization.
If his logic was not so distorted -- he advocates this from a Jewish
preservationist standpoint, rather than a genuine desire to see White
Westerners preserved -- Professor Israeli might even sound like a European
nationalist calling for an end to non-White immigration.

Yet Professor Israeli must know that his tribe have been the primary movers
and shakers in creating the liberal culture which has allowed the racial
situation to deteriorate to the point it has all over the White world. He
is just using chutzpah to now try and start a movement to stop the process
his co-religionists started. Cheek indeed.

The real reason why Professor Israeli -- and an increasing number of Jews,
I might add -- are shifting their position on immigration from the
traditional left to the traditional right -- is of course that they
themselves, once again, feel threatened by the inevitable consequences of
their own actions.

The Jews, with their religiously regulated group paranoia, have therefore
become a self-fulfilling prophecy. They are indeed persecuted, not, as they
tell everyone, because of the apparently continuous and mysterious
existence of irrational anti-Semites, but because of the inevitable
reactions to their own behavior.

And the best of it all, is that, deep down inside, they know this to be the
truth as well. It is a psychological dead end, a never-ending circle, which
always has the same result.

You might now ask, what is the solution? Well, we cannot do anything about
Jews and their stranglehold on American public life and culture, until we
awaken White Gentiles to the issues at stake. So while it is worthwhile to
have an understanding of why Jews behave the way they do, simply attacking
them or concentrating our efforts into negative propaganda is to no avail.

We need to reach out to the millions of White Americans who are receptive
to the message of White Separatism, who are susceptible to an understanding
of what needs to be done if we are to save Western civilization. It is
those people to who we must address ourselves, and it is to those people to
whom the National Alliance reaches out every day, every week, and every

Why don't you consider joining our great quest to free our people?

Thank you for being with me once again today. I'm Erich Gliebe.




Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index