The 'Harvard Killer' Gets A Mis-Trial







Alex Pring-Wilson









He Gutted A Teenager With A Commando Knife









His 'Momma' Is Overjoyed With The New Verdict






The Killer Smirks As He Is Released









What Happened .

On April 12, 2003, a wealthy Harvard Preppie killed a local Cambridge teenager with an Israeli Commando knife. The Harvard student was walking home from party from the Western Front, a local underworld drug bar. He admits to being drunk, but denies being high on drugs. As he walked by a car, with three kids waiting for a pizza, he shouted "What are you looking at", pulled the teen from the car, and knifed him at least five times.






 An 18 Yr Old Short Order Cook

The defenseless teen was waiting in his car as the drunk Ivy Leaguer stumbles by. The teens laughed at the tipsy student, and the student allegedly says "What's your fucking problem"? Pring-Wilson opened the door, knife in hand, and pulled the teen out of the back seat and challenged Colono to a fight. 

Pring-Wilson, with commando precision, deliver a series of thrusting knife wounds to Colono's body. His cousin's tried to come to Colono's aid, but the passenger-side door was broken, so he had to roll the window down and tug on the outside handle to get out.

At 3:15 a.m., Michael Colono was pronounced dead. 







There Are Two Versions

The preppie said the teens jumped him, he was on his knees, and fought for his life. The other version is the preppie was hopped up, they laughed at him, he went into a rage, pulling the teen out of the car, and knifed him.








The Preppie Killed The Teen And Then Just Went Home

He hailed a cab, and went back to Harvard. The teenager bled to death on the sidewalk.








Police Arrest Alex Pring-Wilson

After piecing everything together, the police arrest a hung over, and addled Harvard Preppie. He said that he was attacked, and still believed he was the "victim" in the case.

Alex apologized, and admitted he had lied. As he later explained, he was frightened and confused, and was suffering from a concussion. The police placed Alex under arrest at 8:15 a.m.








Shocking Autopsy

The teen had five massive wounds, two were to the heart. One wonders if he received commando training while in Israel.








The Preppie At Trial

He describes how he was on his knees begging for his life.






The Fellow Elitist's View

Pring-Wilson supporters, most of the Harvard community, and Hillel friends, saw a clear cut case of self-defense. Many, in fact, said privately that Pring-Wilson had done the community a service by removing a dangerous thug and drug dealer from the mean streets of Cambridge.






The First Trial Verdict Is Guilty

In October of 2004, a Christian blue collar jury found Alex guilty of manslaughter, and he got 8 to 10 years in prison.






Threw Out First Trial

The state supreme court said the jury should have been made aware the Hispanic teenager was violent, to the point of throwing a pizza at a clerk. The original judge declared a mistrial on June 1, 2005.







Second Trial

On Dec 13, 2007, just like Phil Spector, this killer gets one of his fellow bloods man to hang up the jury.






The Preppie With His Momma

The judge allowed Pring-Wilson to go back to Colorado from Dec. 23 to 29. 








Teenager's Family

They sit there crying as justice crumbles.






Clown Starts A Website

The Harvard Graduate Student, from a super wealth family of two lawyers, starts a defense fund.










A Heavily Infested Judicial System

This isn't a difficult case. A hopped up rich Zionist was looking for trouble. You just don't yank a kid out of a car, pull a commando knife and stab him five times in the chest. If a Hispanic did this to a Jewish kid, it would be Murder One, and a life sentence.

The fact that Zionists are controlling the courts, and the legal systems, is why those Duke rapists walked, and Phil Spector can kill a girl, and they walk free.






The Shenfeld Murders

The Mickey Thompson execution

Ira Einhorn

The Nanny Murders

The Grossman executions

The Gorenberg murder

Judicial Index