Jewish School Attacked In Montreal








The Sacred Institution That Was Attacked

Rabbi says this is $150,000 worth of damage







Jeffrey K. Boro Of The Canadian Jewish Congress

Children are scarred







Culprit Wore A Mask








The Notorious Bill White

Bill has suggested Canadians overthrow Jewish Tyranny







Bill Warman Wants Bill White's Website Banned

A good Jewish Canadian who battles evil








Drama Worthy Of A CBS Mini-Series

Good Jews, who barely survived the 1945 holocaust, are once again in a titanic struggle against evil. They face the resurgence of the Nazi party, and evil incarnate, Bill White.

I, myself, pray to God that this turns out to be another Jewish orchestrated 'Hate Hoax' by some misguided young Hebrew. The thought of another Auschwitz, where 4,000,000 were forced into a two car garage,  and killed with bug spray is too much to bear.







The Horror of Auschwitz,

Judicial Index