Jews Are Flocking To Germany






  The Largest Jewish Destination In Europe






 Council Of German Jews Say Numbers Up Ten Fold





Most Are Russian Jews







No Doubt These Frauleins Will Be Working In Dr Kolinsky's Office

Sexually harassed the way their grandmothers were in 1930






Here Is Why The Nuremberg Laws Were Passed







Jews Flock To Germany

Almost 70 years after the Nazis plotted the Holocaust, German Jews yesterday celebrated the Passover holiday with the news that their community has become the fastest growing in the world.

There are more Jews going to Germany than to Israel. 


Rabbi Walter Homolka

Rabbi Homolka, a Berlin fixture, says "Berlin is the place to be."  This is a true Passover holiday, which celebrates the freeing of the Israelites from ancient Egypt.

But he is doing so amid a Russian congregation.


Russia Is Flushing Their Toilets

Twenty percent of this immigration are Russia's criminal element.


Guarantee Incomes

They are state supported for a year, then 25% wind up in governmental jobs.


Three Rabbis Ordained In Dresden

In 1944 International Jewry ordered the firebombing of Dresden as reprisal for the forcing Jew from the Warsaw Ghetto into labor units.


Charlotte Knobloch

According to Charlotte, the President of Germany's Central Council of Jews, the country's new immigration laws have renewed the flood of Jews.

Laws were tightened after the 1990 flood,  as numbers spiraled into the hundreds of thousands, but recent Jewish pressure has caused the rules to be relaxed again.


The 1990 Influx Brought In 200,000 Russians


The influx came as a result of an East German law, passed in 1990 right before German reunification. The legislation allowed Russian Jews to enter East Germany simply by proving Jewish ancestry. The law stayed in effect after Germany was reunited in 1991. Germany.



Traces Of Anti Semitism

Last year the country recorded a record number of far-Right extremist crimes, and a month ago a Jewish kindergarten in Berlin was attacked with a smoke bomb and daubed with graffiti.




Monuments To The Holocaust

Last week, a Jewish museum was opened in Munich yards from the site where Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels ordered the destruction of the city's main synagogue on Kristallnacht in 1938.




Germany's Anti Immigration Minister

Jurgen Moellemann vehemently opposed this migration, and he would have been Germany's next president. Oddly he died in a mysterious accident.









Where Are The Leaders

One of the greatest cultures in history gets decimated by this group of swindlers? WW-1, The Versailles Treaty, WW-2, post war Soviet controlled Germany, and now the Russian parasite infestation.






Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index