Nicolas Sarkozy May Win French Elections






Fellow Zionists Count The Vote






Ségolène Royal






Sarkozy With His Companion







 84 per cent turnout sets new poll record


French Jews Push For Sarkozy

A record turn-out of 84.5 per cent of registered voters in the first round of the presidential election propelled Nicolas Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal into a fascinating - and possibly close - second round showdown in two weeks' time.





Muslims Flock To Royal

French TV, and media,  made a point to show Muslim backing of Mme Royal.






The Gadfly  François Bayrou

 Bayrou got 18.3 per cent of the vote, and most likely will back Sakozy. 





A 78 Yr-Old LePen

Jean-Marie Le Pen got 11.5 per cent, and is too old to be in the race.









Another Zionist In Charge

Of all the major countries, 80% have Zionists, or Cryptos in charge. And if they are Christians, like Harper of Canada, or Trujillo, their wives are Zionists. Castro is a Zionist.

Zarkozy is from Hungarian Jewish stock, has some skeletons, and is rumored to favor the men. Americans could pretend to be in shock, but we are running Giuliani and Hillary.







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