The New Yorkers Head To The Catskills

And they take over the town







The Catskills Is Spotted With These Resorts







This Is Their Medical Center









The Indoctrination Begins






Special Floor And Rooms For Jewish Patients







You Can Bet There Will Be No Schwartzers On That Top Floor








Staff Has To Attend Classes On The Right 'Kosher Attitude'






Catskill Regional Medical Center Prepares For The Special Patient

Harris, NY - To get ready for the arrival of 200,000 summer residents, many of them Orthodox Jews, Catskill Regional Medical Center has trained its employees and modified its facilities to accommodate all needs.





Sensitivity Training

For the first time, more than 200 nurses, doctors and department heads have undergone cultural sensitivity training to learn about the Jewish patient. The lack of understanding between staff and patients had caused tension in the past, and it won't be tolerated anymore.






They Aren't Ignorant, They Are Sensitive

"When you speak to an Orthodox person while they're praying, there is no response," Lanza said. "In the past, that had been translated into, 'They're just ignoring me.' But there was a reason for it. It's part of their religion and we need to be sensitive to that."





Special Floors

The medical complex is redoing special floors for their Jewish guests.






Assigned The Top Staff

Keep the Hindu docs off that special floor.





Kosher Dining Facilities

These 'Special Guests' don't eat hospital food. Whenever possible they will eat at a small dining area on their floor.






Non-Kosher Macaca Nurses

The cranky, black, and foreign nurses never see the Kosher floor. 





No Waiting At Emergency Room

The New Yorkers need extra sensitivity in the emergency room. If 'Little Benjamin' gets a bee sting, they are not waiting behind five locals with broken arms.








So Who Pays For This?

I certainly doubt these special ones are paying. So the answer is the system is paying, and that means you and I eventually get the tab.





A look At the Catskills

Judicial Index