'Abbie' Richards Under Psychiatric Care









Seeks Counseling

Michael Richards, the Jewish actor who plays the Kramer character on “Seinfeld,” began psychiatric counseling to control his anger just days after unleashing a racist tirade calling some young blacks, niggers.

Some ask if it's true repentance, or just damage control. University of Southern California sociologist Julie Albright said “it’s a form of repentance” for celebrities to publicly admit to be racists.



Fellow Jew Doubts Sincerity

“Of course it’s all bull,” said Boyarsky, an adjunct professor at the Annenberg School for Communication and a former Los Angeles Times city editor. Serious rehabilitation requires more than just saying a few public “I’m sorrys” and dropping out of view for a week or two of counseling, he said.


Richards Is just Harmless

Psychologist Jerry Deffenbacher of Colorado State University said people like Michael Richards fall into what he calls the “angry, snarly, grouchy, pain-in-the-butt” category.


Judge Not Needed

Richards, who is white, might have violated common decency when he unloaded on black patrons who told him he wasn’t funny, but he didn’t break any laws. As a result, Richards himself — not a judge — structured his rehab program.



Jesse Jackson Forgave Richards

Besides counseling, he appeared on the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s nationally syndicated radio program, “Keep Hope Alive,” as part of a series of apologies. He also offered to meet with the club patrons he offended.

As to whether counseling can really calm someone like Richards, Deffenbacher said anger management experts have seen impressive short-term results after only a few outpatient visits.







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