MORE PHUN WITH THE AUDIOVOX 8900 By TeK-g (Sept. 2004) This time around we will explore the filesystem of the Audiovox 8900 (AKA LG VX6000) using Bitpim and the USB data cable. We will examine the Telus 8900 compared to other 8900's to gain a better understanding of Telus' frugality. ********************************************************************* *********** PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE CONTINUING.************* ********************************************************************* From: Audiovox CDM8900 THIS PHONE IS NOT SUPPORTED The internal software in this phone is far too fragile and shoddy. There is a very real risk of locking up the phone so badly it won't reboot and has to be replaced through trivial operations. Consequently this phone is not supported by BitPim and you should not use it with BitPim even if it appears to work. You should not report any issues with this phone and we will not respond to support requests other than by pointing to this page. ********************************************************************** To paraphrase: this COULD seriously SCREW UP your phone. You have been warned. NEEDED: Bitpim: Datacable: SETUP: 1) Install the 8900 on your respective OS using the driver disc accompanying your cable. Make sure phone is turned on and everything is connected correctly. 2) Download and install bitpim. FIRST STEPS: Once you have bitpim up and running, you will need to configure the phone so as to facilitate communication. This is accomplished by (under win2k3) EDIT --> SETTINGS. Once here you will need to modify the PHONE TYPE field to VX6000. Next go to BROWSE and select CURITEL PACKET SERVICE. The phone is now correctly configured and ready for some data transfer. Next we will need to view a copy of the filesystem. For this we select the FILESYSTEM tab and right click on REFRESH. This will give us the filesystem, all readable in HEX. FURTHER EXAMINATION: /ch/ <-- call history, readbale plain text. /nvm/$SYS.INVAR2 <-- ESN stored here. Note this phone was second hand, subsequently this is likely different on 1 owner phones. /nvm/nvm_0002 <--- at address 0000070 we see the security code for the phone, again plaintext, Below, you should see 2 six digit text numbesr, first set of 6 digits is your SPC code the next set of 6 digit should be Telus One time subsidy lock code. The SPC code can be used to access the ##TELUS menu referred to in article one. Shouts to Steve DM for this tidbit! /nvm/nvm_0005 <--- at address 00000f0 we see the phone's email address ** /ams <-- this looks to be the java dir. Some .jar files here. /photo <-- here is all the photos. You can download them, a nice workaround if you are a victim of the story below. /preload/images <-- all the preloaded images for MMS /preload/ringer <-- all the preloaded ringers for MMS That basically does it for the filesystem, only other thing to try is adding a wallpaper and attempting to upload. Unfortuneately we get exception. Looking closer this is an error relating the BREW, the program on the phone designed to handle this sort of thing (so you dont need to use MMS/WAP). Looking where BREW is supposed to be on the phone, we see the directory is there /br, but no files. THANKS TELUS. Uploading images manually has had negative results for me. Even when I overwrite the old files, every time I go to open them, the phone freezes. A hypothesis for this is enclosed below. ** The 8900 is a very buggy phone. The phone is unstable at best and inoperable at worst, a combination of poor hardware and modified firmware (THANKS AGAIN TELUS) contribute to making this phone pretty unstable. An example: Activating a second hand 8900. The activation processes fine, however your WAP and MMS will not work. The reason? A memory allocation flaw in the filesystem disables this. It also has a tendancy to rename incoming calls (you see the last call's name on the current call's incoming number on call display). It also affects the numbers of pictures and occaisonally causes the phone to lock up all together. This memory allocation error is most likely the cause of the uploaded images crashing the device. The solution? Telus has a firmware upgrade for the phone for all second hand users. At last check my Telus dealer had just received it but were unsure of how to use it without permanently damaging my phone so they told me to come back. if you mess up your phone while trying to make your own ring tone for the phone and send it to it via your computer, don't fret. Delete the directory file, and it will recreate it after a power cycle. Problem, if you had other ring tones, you lose them. Possible solution: back up your files first!! (THANKS STEVE DM!) So that is it this time around. If you have anything to contribute, you can email me @ A BIG SHOUT TO STEVE DM FOR SOME OF THE INFO. YOUR HELP IS APPRECIATED AND PROVES YOU DONT HAVE TO BE A UNBERCODER TO HAVE A LITTLE PHUN AT THE EXPENSE OF TELUS. BWAHAHA. -TeK-g FURTHER READING ON THE 8900: