From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ HR 666 Spawns Movement for Mass Impeachment of Treasonous Congressmen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Federal law H.R. 666 is the trojan horse which the fascist New World Order has planted inside the fortress of our Constitutional rights. From this trojan horse, there will file out a stream of enemy commandos, specially trained to stealthily undermine all the key pillars supporting the structure of the United States Constitution. This is the beginning of the end of our freedom, folks. FREEDOM USA is now a netted butterfly, petrified and flattened upon the scrapbook pages of our childhood memories. Yet, even that scrapbook fades and disintegrates as we slide inexorably toward old age and then, oblivion. The scrapbook of FREEDOM USA will never be passed on to our untutored children because it exists only in our own minds -- a collection of fond bygone remembrances. We have blown it, folks. We have deprived our children of the soul-nourishing concept of freedom by our abdication of the eternal struggle to sustain the heartbeat of freedom against the corrosive elements of corporate tyranny. Our spiritually-deprived children will create their own scrapbooks of reality out of the dreary lives planned for them by their corporate slavemasters, now leading us all into the looming abyss of the despotic twenty-first century. This shall be the grim futureworld that will fashion THEIR conception of what life is all about. From now on, we, the People of the United States will go to bed each night in fear that gestapo troops might kick down our front door and invade the privacy of our homes, looking for contraband. What will constitute contraband in the U.S.A. of tomorrow? A handgun you may possess to protect yourself and your loved ones. An article, critical of the Government, that you had been typing to distribute to fellow citizens. A 20-pound sack of rice that you had been storing for future hard times, in violation of the fascist federal law against food hoarding. And, contraband will, most definitely, include drugs planted in your home by the invading gestapo to fabricate a case of criminality against you because you have been just too effective in organizing your fellow citizens to oppose the dictatorship. And so, conscience dictates this announcement as a declaration of war against the treasonous Congressmembers who have planted this HR666 trojan horse to sabotage our fortress of Constitutional rights -- this fortress which is our only shelter against the howling storm of New World Order tyranny now pressing against its walls to overrun us. OUR WAR MUST UTILIZE: 1) The weapon of mass impeachment of Congressmembers by a vast, cohesive, coherent body of alarmed, outraged citizens from across the United States; 2) The weapon of recall, whereby citizens can remove Congressional members from their seats of ensconcement; 3) The weapon of publicizing this impeachment and recall movement by every clever means of advertisement, such as newspaper ads, bumper stickers, placing flyers in residential mailboxes, driving in the daytime with headlights on, and many, many more clever ideas that you people out there will soon devise; Right? 4) The weapon of the general strike, whereby alarmed and outraged citizens across the United States will coordinate a campaign to select one business day for mass, nationwide absence from work, so as to (shall we say) p~e~r~s~u~a~d~e our corporate masters to reluctantly use their awesome Congressional lobbying power to rescind HR 666. 5) The weapon of the formation of volunteer legal teams to defend any citizens who may be punished for being absent from work on OUR "N-A-T-I-O-N-A-L D-A-Y O-F O-U-T-R-A-G-E"; 6) The weapon of THE BOYCOTT: our concerted withholding of consumer money from the corporate beast whom we enrich and empower with every purchase we make at a supermarket, a convenience store, a gas station, etc.; 7) The weapon of the class action lawsuit to extract, from these treasonous Congressmembers, compensation for injuries to our Constitutional rights; 8) The weapon of citizen-initiated criminal prosecution of these treasonous Congressmembers, with the intent to imprison them for violating their sacred oath to defend and uphold the United States Constitution; 9) More weapons to be devised. Our first step is to publicize this movement to rescue our Constitution. Anyone reading this announcement is urged to compose an advertisement designed for a newspaper, a public bulletin board, a car bumper sticker, or any other form of public display. Please post your advertisement to the Internet as a practical plan of concerted citizen action. The subject line of your posted article should specifically state the plan that your article embodies. As an example, the subject line of your Usenet post might read: "Subject: Bumper Sticker Advertisement Opposing HR 666" OR "Subject: Newspaper advertisement Opposing HR 666" OR "Subject: Flyer Advertisement Opposing HR 666" If you wish to preface your proposed advertisement with an explanatory statement, you may post to the Internet your advertisement with this appeal appended to it. Let us hereby resolve to NOW soundly beat back this fascist onslaught thrown against us in the form of HR 666. For, *IF* you and I are too lazy and too cowardly to defend ourselves now -- guaranteed, we will reach down into ourselves and find the courage to later defend our families and our homes from the federal and the quasi-federal marauders of the impending fascist tide sweeping toward our frontyards. John DiNardo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Please repost this appeal to other newsgroups, computer networks, computer bulletin boards and computer mailing lists, as well as posting hardcopies on the bulletin boards of campuses, churches, supermarkets, laundromats, etc. -- any place where concerned citizens might be inspired to become part of this movement. ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)