cDc Stickers

These puppies are printed on waterproof Vinyl, and are great for both indoor and outdoor use. Stick them to your computer! Your car! Someone else's car! The Prime Minister of Canada! The only limit is your crippled imagination.


If you stick one to something especially cool and send us a photo of it, we'll put it up on the webpage. What a deal, eh?

Tally Ho, Future Astronaut! cDc Mission Control, Out.

cDc Stickers - 3/$1

cDc Temporary Tattoos

Piercings?! Crappy 'flash' Tattoos?! BAH!

Finally, the same people who brought you the Cult of the Dead Cow Home Branding Kit for L'il Cowboys*; bring you... Cult of the Dead Cow Temporary Tattoos.

These are the real article, bunky; not the kind of thing you pull out of a box of CrackerJacks. Impress Women, Children and the Elderly; these suckers are K-Rad and SuperFly!

cDc Temp. Tattoos - 2/$1 or 12/$5

*regrettably no longer available, due to pending litigation

How to get all this badass cDc gear