Q: Questions

L: Lazar


Q: Bob, in the tape that I saw you talking about the science involved in the propulsion system... you mentioned a couple of lines about a superbomb. Is that information that you've read in files, or is that something that you deduced from the...

L: Just general physics knowledge... just from being involved in nuclear weapons... look at the energy released in a nuclear bomb... I mean 99 percent of that energy... 100 percent of the energy released from an atomic explosion comes from 1 percent of the mass that we put in there... the rest of the mass is blown away and never gets into the reaction... so it's a very inefficient bomb... a lot of the energy is wasted in by products and other garbage that comes out of it... but here is... an anti-matter (?) reaction that's perfectly clean... perfectly efficient... a 100 percent efficient... imagine a device made utilizing that element... somehow... would release all the energy in it... would be millions of times more energy per given unit of matter than anything we've seen before... so it certainly presents a potential... excluding the crap... the alien... all the information... the fuel itself certainly has the potential to be converted into an awesome continent-destroying weapon.


Q: The fuel went to Los Alamos? Some of the fuel went to Los Alamos?

L: Yes.

Q: Now... we began to talk yesterday about...

L: Now, I do wonder if that's something to put in the movie or not...


L: At the time I had the accelerator set-up in this little lab I had... in fact I still have most of the pieces of it here... and I still have on tape that part of the expose where the camera, George is interviewing and we purposely put it in there, and it came in a very recognizable holder... and what I had done... in a large disc... and what I had done was scribe a target on it... and I had my accelerator set up and it was sitting in a holder at the end of the accelerator... almost as if to be a threat... and there was a few seconds shot of it on the news... there was nothing said... and all it was was just... this is where the missing 115 is... and it was... that was great to me. It was actually after that when Dennis called to have that meeting. As far as that entering the story anywhere... it entered there and then disappeared.

Q: Well, we'll take a look at it... whether it's important to the story or not today, I'm not sure. When you were talking about all these things... you were polygraphed... was that George Knapp that arranged for that?

L: Umm hmm. Yeah, he said to me... will you take a polygraph... I said sure. Interestingly... there were two polygraphs taken. The first one, George thought a lot of this was going to be criticized and he wanted to get a guy that no one could possibly say he would be in cahoots with... so he found this polygraph examiner that, I don't remember the story exactly, but used to always hit on his girlfriends... who he truly hated... so no one could really say... they could have ever worked together... the guy had been watching, unfortunately, all the reports on TV and the first thing he said to me, after hooking me up, now this is not a polygraph guy like you would think... very... didn't seem like an ex-cop or something like that... so the first thing he said to me, when I sat down, after he strapped me in, he said, you are my ticket to the Donahue Show. And I knew, this was not going well... because after that he said... well, the results look good, and stuff like that... and then he started mentioning things like that to me... like, if we could go on and do this on a national level.. I said, I am not going to... you are out of your mind. I said, we came down here because George said you'd be the guy... absolutely not... I'm not even talking in your favor as far as anything's concerned... you can just forget about it... so after that, the guy said, well, he could be relaying information that he heard from someone that he absolutely believes more than anything in the world... so on and so forth, so he told George... so I'm not standing up for anybody or anything... get the hell out of here. So George... and I told George what the guy said, and he said, all right... we're going to find some guy... and they did... they found an ex-cop from California... a number one polygraph guy and the guy he trained with is like the Polygraph Association President, whatever it is... that's in Arizona... so unlike the thirty-second talk I had with the guy, he sat down and had a two and a half hour quiz before that... and then an hour long polygraph... and then a multi-hour thing after that... which completely exhausted me... and his results were... you know, I absolutely was telling essentially what I believed was the truth... he then went and sent the results off to his superior, who also concurred, and that was the end of the polygraph thing.

Q: Great. We've covered a lot of ground here today. I just asked Bob, what.. is it...

L: Tracy...

Q: Tracy... what Tracy's attitude was when they were driving up to see the testflights on Wednesday nights...

L: She was never serious, I mean, she was always... said everything was a laugh... so you could never tell how serious she was. You know what I'm talking about... there are always people like that... She believed it... I have no doubt about that... but it wasn't... she never took a real serious look at anything... she was very much... but she was young... she was about nineteen years old... so I should find that tape of that particular day... from the two or three seconds you might get an idea...

Q: That would be great...

L: How she acts.

Q: That would be great... did your marriage end during this time?

L: Yeah.

Q: Was it before the brothel hearing or after?

L: Oh, way before.

Q: Was it before or after George Knapp's expose?

L: Before. But after the first time I went on with George. And, in us discussing it, well, why didn't all this work out and stuff like that... she did tell me that the UFO stuff did play a big part because of all the oppression and whatnot and what was going on with people around and not knowing what was going on and also fear... she really became afraid of everything.

Q: She packed and left.

L: Yeah.

Q: Were you in this house?

L: Umm hmm. It's understandable to some point (?)....

Q: It must have been terribly difficult for both of you. Terribly difficult.

L: There was just far too much happening at one time... it was unbelievable...

Q: Did you ever feel like you were losing your...

L: This is bringing back little memories that I never remember now... shortly... right before that time, we had gone to a marriage counselor that we saw, I think, a total of two times. We went the first time and started explaining this and he said, boy, you guys have a lot of problems, but we never told him about the UFO stuff and, it was like the last good laugh we had together, the second time we went we kind of unloaded on him and said this is everything that's going on and he sat there and disgested it and he said, these people are after you... and flying saucers... and you're seeing another guy... and he said, I really don't think you guys should come back again. And we laughed all the way home about that... and that was great... that was really great... to have a counselor tell you to get out...


L: But I interrupted you...

Q: No... that's... listen... little stories like that are great... I mean they're great...

L: I can't remember his name, but that was something...

Q: This is the tape?

L: This is the... this is probably a Desert Blast tape.

Q: What do the debunkers say about your motivation for all of this? I'm sure they're lining up three deep and they...

L: They are... but they're genuinely confused because I'm not trying to compete with them for books, or movies... or not movies... they never did see any financial reason to do it. I hate publicity and going on TV or being interviewed more than anything. So they didn't see any motive to become a star... and what has always driven them crazy is because they haven't been able to pin down anything and say, well, ahh hah. That's what he's after. Though they went after some strange things... but most of it was that I wouldn't... the big organization MUFON, which considers themselves the UFO clearing house, if someone has a sighting... they should be told and they will determine whether this is true or false.

Q: MUFON stands for...

L: The Mutual UFO Network... and they have members all over the world now. Now, I grouped all the UFO people as crazy... and I wouldn't talk to them or give them an interview and a lot of their original dissention was because they basically didn't have the whole story and I wasn't about to tell them and they... as the psychological report says, I respond to authority by resisting it... and that is absolutely so true and if they just wouldn't have started off on the wrong foot... they came in as, more along the lines of, we demand the following information from you. And, of course, my response is... you're not getting any information ever, period. In fact, that's it. So, they had to assume lots of things and that's why they originally came up with... things we did have proof for... they said, that's impossible for him to have done this because... but, so a lot of it was due to the fact that they really didn't have much information and, as the story got around and was repeated and retold, and every... whether it's in a book, or a TV show or something... wherever the story is retold... there is consistantly always two or three things that are completely wrong in it. And with that... they occasionally say, ah ha!... the story's changing or things they still don't have information about... but mainly it's because they just don't have the entire story. No one has really sat down with them and got into the fine points of everything.

Q: That's your jet... I missed that... your jet car.

L: I'll just move ahead.

Q: Bob, we can come back to that... I was fascinated by the image of your jet car... is the jet car on this next segment also?

L: Yeah.

Q: Great.


Q: Bonkers... BUFON... umm...

L: Mainly it was because they didn't have much information. And they would concentrate on different little aspects of the story that they couldn't confirm or were frustrated with and (VIDEO TAPE PLAYS IN B.G.)