Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2012 17:00:07 -0500
From: "James M. Atkinson" <>
Organization: Granite Island Group
Subject: Re: [TSCM-L] {5986} POTUS telephones

Most of these are CISCO IP phones, or Avaya telephone sets.

Amazing complex instrument with some simply lovely security holes that 
an eavesdropper can exploit.

A lot of these phones are also Lucent MLS of Definite phones (all an 
eavesdroppers paradise).

I really hate to have to mention this, but in the followign image: 

You will notice the moron who is using a cell phone right next to a STE

Same here: 

Moron using cell phone in close proximity to a secure telephone.

When you place a concentrated RF signal transmitter in close proximity 
to a piece of cryptographic gear (like a STU or STE) the RF signals and 
strong enough to intermix with the RF or magnetic signals and create a 
third signal.  This is most valuable with cryptographic equipment that 
used cables that was not in conduit as the cable (seem in these 
pictures) provides a high threat access point where all kinds of havoc 
can be caused if a cell phone is brought within 8-12 feet of a STU, or 
16+ feet of a STE. You will notice that the moron holding the phone is 
well within those distances.

The following image just proved what a utter moron this guy is, and 
remember who is is: 

Notice that he is in a STE, in secure mode, and the STE (unencrypted 
voice path) is draped over a live RF transmitter.

I apologize Mr. President, but you sir are a fscking moron, just an 
utter moron.

Observers with sharp eyes will also notice the profoundly sloppy jobs of 
TSCM that is being done on these phones as well, and how the routing 
requirements for cables are not beign observered, but then that is the 
least of thier probelms... thier boss obviously does not care, so why 
shoudl they.

Dude, WTF... no seriously, WTF?


Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2012 18:19:17 -0500 From: "James M. Atkinson" <> Reply-To: Organization: Granite Island Group Subject: Re: [TSCM-L] {5989} POTUS telephones Actually yes. He knows that he can not use a cellphone within X feet of a STU, STE, or security communications media because he can read the white papers on the matter, and has been briefed by the technical advisors until they were blue in the face, but he does not care, he likes his cell phones (because it makes him a more effective leader) If a customer hires me to tell them about the problem, and I tell them about it, write numerous white papers on the subject for them, demonstrate the risk for them by recovering classified information, and even the CIK form a STU using only a nearby cell phone, and they still refuse to use proper communications security, and abide by stand-off distances (the space between the secure phone and the cell phone), then I will have no problems explain that they are a moron to their face (usually in private, but still). You need only to watch the video of my testimony before Congress on related matters to see that I tend not to couch my words when it comes to national security matters like this. The President of the United States is a f*cking moron, but given the last pool of candidates he is less of a moron, then the other morons we had running at the time. But still, he is a moron, and an arrogant one at that. -jma bernieS wrote: > Are executives at the highest levels expected to be TSCM, COMSEC, and > TEMPEST experts who possess detailed technical knowledge and extensive > related experience? > > If yes, then why would any top executive have any need to hire experts > in those fields? Does JMA call his executive clients (who aren't as > well-versed in those fields as he obviously is) "f*cking morons?" > That doesn't seem like an effective business practice to me. > > Perhaps the executive in the photo wasn't briefed by his experts on > the finer points of proper COMSEC--such as not to use a cell phone > near a STE. If he wasn't, then perhaps those experts are to blame, > not the executive. Or maybe there's other protections in place which > prevent that from being a COMSEC problem. There is equipment in those > photos that probably none of us know the workings of...
Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2012 19:17:28 -0500 From: "James M. Atkinson" <> Reply-To: Organization: Granite Island Group Subject: Re: [TSCM-L] {5992} POTUS telephones I wrote the white paper, and the paper has been repeatedly briefed to him by the DCI in his Daily Presidential Briefing. He has also read the white paper, but it has not dissuaded his cell phone mis-use. Several DCI staffers who prepare the PDB have assured me that the DCI has repeatedly included issue several times in the PDB, and POTUS just does not care. The threat is known, the threat has been demonstrated, the threat has been replicated by others, it is a known and confirmed weakness, but he does not care, not even slightly. Some Presidents like to ride around Dallas in open top limos, other are addicted to their cell phones... neither tend to remain in office too long. He needs to smarten up, as he is risking national security and sabotaging international diplomacy (easily screwed up when secure communications are intercepted). -jma bernieS wrote: > At 06:19 PM 1/6/2012, JMA wrote: >> Actually yes. >> >> He knows that he can not use a cellphone within X feet of a STU, STE, >> or security communications media because he can read the white papers >> on the matter, and has been briefed by the technical advisors until > they were blue in the face, but he does not care, he likes his cell >> phones (because it makes him a more effective leader) > > So you know this for a fact? I would think POTUS has more important > things to do than "read the white papers" about TSCM. Arrogant? > Relative to whom?
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 17:00:07 -0500 From: "James M. Atkinson" <> Organization: Granite Island Group Subject: Re: [TSCM-L] {6009} Re: {5984} POTUS telephones The most dramatic of all vulnerabilities is the sidetone audio on the STU and STE handsets, and this is an amplified audio signal, and the handset cord lacks magnetic shielding, so the magnetic energy of the AMPLIFIED handset audio presents a modestly strong magnetic field around the handset cord. While this magnetic field does drop off at a rapid rate, any sort of radio frequency (RF) emitting device that generate an RF signal that is stronger then around -80 dBm allows allows the audio that is present on the handset cord to be intercepted a considerable distance away as it actually modulates or is carried on the back of the RF signal (in this case form a cell telephone). If does not matter what kind of a sell phone it is, or if it is a "secure" cell phone of not, merely because it creates an intense RF field, and then that field is in close proximity to the handset of a STU or STE means that the audio on the phone (not get encrypted or scrambled audio) can be eavesdropped upon at distance well in excess of 1200 feet. An typical iPhone or Blackberry, and a typical STU or STE when brought in close proximity to one another renders the security moot due to the audio riding on the back of the RF. It does not matter how well the phone itself is shield or not shielded the initial vulnerability to this is in the handset and the handset cord. This is the "elephant in the room" as it were, and it provides the most dramatic results on a demonstration of this vulnerability. Next is the power supply of the STU-III and the power cord of the STE. The STU-III was the subject of a study that was pretty ugly, and when the study was published and the U.S. Government started check the STU-III Power Supplies a great number were discovered to have extra electronics. The phone itself was not targeted, it was the power supply. Foreign intelligence agencies for years exploits the modular nature of the STU-III power supply, and the handsets to inject compromised power supplies and handsets into the distribution chain, and into field units. The STE's also have a very nasty vulnerability in regards to the power cords as they require and ultra-clean ground, and the shielding of the STE can be render useless when the power cord gets bend of "piggy tailed" as you can see in these images. The power cord can not be formed into a loop that is less then 8 inches in diameter, or the phones will leak more then a 60 year old porn star. A STE with a "piggy tailed" power cord also indicated that the President has a spy doing stuff to his phones as this is a prime visual indicator of tampering, and power cord needs to be impounded and fingerprints lifted to see who did it. The STE also has to have both the power cord and the phone cord exit the phone straight for about a foot, and the phone cable absolutely can not be passed under the phone, and most especially not along the right side of the phone. This is a major COMSEC violation. When these phones have the internal key generator active then a cell phone has to be kept well outside the stand off ranges, or you WILL piggy back enough of the key so they it can be rebuild it in complete form in a matter of mere milliseconds. The stronger the source, or the longer the duration of the phone transmission the more of the internal cipher stages are disclosed. Much of the key of worthless, but the core of what is used to set up the key generator into its initial stages, and then to form the loops within the cipher. These are the most holy secrets of any ciphering system, and it is what a spy will spend great effort to obtain. The STU-III has several notable "leak points" as does the "STE" but these are a known and limit problems until some fool brings a cell phone or PDA close to the STU or STE. There is magnetic shielding, and then electrical shielding, and each have issues on each product and known and documented holes. The KOV-14 is vulnerable to RF illumination between 700 and 2.6 GHz and live data can be received from the cards when they are in operation merely by proximity to an operations cell phone. GSM standards provide the best illumination sources of a KOV-14. -jma Joe Tag wrote: > I have a comment and question: The cellphone seems to be a Sectera phone > (Motorola TimePort with secure slice/wedge). Doesn't the Sectera have > shielding painted in? Isn't the STE in an aluminum case (and the handset > low voltage)? How serious is the EMF issue? > > I do agree with the later Blackberry PDA phone however. > > The General Dynamics (GD) SME-PED phone is shielded, and has crypto > comparable to Sectera i believe. Also, L3-Communications (maker of > the STE phone; that phone uses a Krypton KOV-14 card) also makes and > sells a SME-PED phone (also shielded, I believe) to compete with GD. > If I am wrong, please correct me. > > Thanks, Jim.

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