--==+================================================================================+==-- --==+ freePHPgallery 0.6 Cookie Local File Inclusion +==-- --==+================================================================================+==-- Author: MhZ91 Title: freePHPgallery 0.6 Cookie Local File Inclusion Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/freephpgallery/ Bug: Local File Inclusion Info: freePHPgallery is a easy-to-use free PHP picture gallery. Automatic creation of picture indexes with thumbnails, commenting function, selection of multiple languages. This software does not NOT require a database or other additional software. Visit: http://www.inj3ct-it.org [*]---------------------------------------------------------- freePHPgallery 0.6 present a local file inclusion in this file index.php comment.php show.php we can modify the cookie lang value whit a ../../../../ etc... and give a local file inclusion [*]---------------------------------------------------------- # milw0rm.com [2008-02-14]